
Earlier this year, nobody was talking about the possibility of Democrats winning the Senate in November. But things have changed.

Mitch McConnell has admitted he could lose the Senate this year.

Lindsey Graham has admitted the same thing.

Even Ted Cruz thinks they could lose the Senate!

We finally have the chance to break Mitch McConnell’s Republican majority and start working to pass the thousands of pieces of legislation that McConnell has let pile up on his desk—legislation that the Democratic-controlled House has passed to give Americans more relief during this pandemic, to combat ongoing racial injustice, and to lower the cost of prescription drugs (among many, many other things).

Please rush a contribution right now so we can help our Serve America-endorsed Senate candidates win their races—many of them will directly help determine control of the Senate.

This is one of the best opportunities we’ve had to win back the Senate and expand our majority in the House.

Let’s get this done.
