Welcome to your weekly Rundown, for the week ending October 30.
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Foreign Policy Virtual Dialogue: Clean Energy Innovation
Foreign Policy magazine and ClearPath will be hosting a discussion on November 18 amongst private and public sector thought leaders about driving innovation and exports in the US clean energy market to bolster domestic economic growth and reduce global carbon emissions.
Boosting economic growth and reducing carbon emissions can happen simultaneously especially as global clean energy demand continues to grow and America rebounds from the COVID-19 pandemic. The US’ burgeoning global leadership in advanced clean energy technologies –if given appropriate support by Congress as well as US and global government agencies–could spur a major growth industry and create jobs domestically while reducing carbon emissions worldwide. Nowhere are these clean energy exports more critical than in the developing world, a vast and untapped export market where billions of people still lack reliable energy access and where low-cost, high-carbon alternatives, notably coal, pose a health and environmental detriment.
Tune in on November 18 to hear from leading voices from government, industry, and finance about how we can most effectively tailor support for US clean energy innovation and exports, including strategies to reduce the cost of these technologies for developing markets worldwide.
Register today to secure your spot

Universities Going Nuclear Event
Several universities are looking at new nuclear energy technologies for their campus. ClearPath and the Clean Air Task Force (CATF) hosted a webinar that featured three universities. Dr. Rita Baranwal, Assistant Secretary for Office of Nuclear Energy, offered introductory remarks, and representatives from Abilene Christian University, the University of Illinois, and the University of Tennessee Knoxville discussed this exciting work. ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell and CATF Executive Director Armond Cohen co-moderated the event.
View the recording here

E&E News:
Republicans vie for powerful energy spending post
E&E reported this week on who may lead the Senate Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee, one of Capitol Hill's most powerful energy and environment positions next year. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring, has held the job for the last year and has been a tremendous champion for clean energy innovation. During his tenure we have seen strategic clean energy investments helping accelerate innovation.
Rich's Take
"The new person coming into place in the Senate, is going to be in an extremely powerful position, and that's a changing of the guard that will happen next year and that will quietly be perhaps the most important, new energy policymaker in D.C. next year that no one else is paying any attention to."
Read more

Society of Environmental Journalists:
Covering Climate, COVID-19 and the Election — Opinion Polls and Voters’ Guides on Environmental Issues
This week, ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell participated in a Society of Environmental Journalists webinar, “Covering Climate, COVID-19 and the Election — Opinion Polls and Voters’ Guides on Environmental Issues,” and discussed the unique role environmental issues are playing in the 2020 election season, how Republicans lawmakers have been leading on clean energy solutions, and how Republican voters see clean energy as an important issue for their representatives to care about. Other panelists included Juliet Eilperin, Senior National Affairs Correspondent, The Washington Post; Gene Karpinski, President, League of Conservation Voters; Edward Maibach, Director, George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication; Alec Tyson, Associate Director of Research, Pew Research Center; and Anna Yukhananov, Team Leader, Environment & Energy, Bloomberg
Industry Group.
View the recording

Utility Dive:
Climate policy faces a tough road through Congress
regardless of electoral outcomes
Utility Dive reported this week on the “evolution in Republican attitudes about climate change, however, does not necessarily translate into support for the Democratic agenda.” The article quoted ClearPath executive director, Rich Powell who explained that there is more concern and willingness by Republicans to consider climate policies than is often portrayed. Rich said, “Republicans are focused on approaches that make clean energy cheaper, not traditional energy more expensive.” Read more

DOE Extends Additional LNG Export Authorizations Through 2050
On Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) extended the terms of three long-term liquefied natural gas (LNG) export authorizations through 2050. The United States is among the top three global exporters of LNG, and its operating export capacity is expected to increase by more than 50 percent by the end of 2025. Read more

Texas Energy Summit:
Policies to Extend Texas' Leadership in Hydrogen, CCUS, and
Direct Air Capture
On November 10, ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell is participating in a breakout session at the Texas Energy Summit titled, “Policies to Extend Texas' Leadership in Hydrogen, CCUS, and Direct Air Capture.” Now in its 17th year, the Summit explores the intersection of energy systems, emissions reductions and economic development.
View the program here
Register here
E&C Republicans:
Trump Administration Pushes for Modernizing Energy,
Environmental Infrastructure
E&C Republicans recently highlighted how House Republicans are supporting efforts by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take important steps to build out energy infrastructure, protect the quality of our air and water, and promote clean, affordable, and reliable energy for all Americans.
Read more
The Hill:
An investment in R&D is an investment in America's future
U.S. Reps. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) and Paul Tonko (D-N.Y) published an oped in The Hill, “ An investment in R&D is an investment in America's future.” The two stated “America’s researchers, scientists, inventors and innovators are one of our nation’s best tools for overcoming the public health issues before us. They are also the spark that will help boost energy innovation, improve our infrastructure, tackle climate change and ensure our manufacturing base remains at the cutting edge.” Read more

It’s Happening… US to Build Two New Advanced Nuclear Reactors
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on Tuesday selected TerraPower LLC (Bellevue, WA) and X-energy (Rockville, MD) to receive $80 million each in initial funding to build two advanced nuclear reactors that can be operational within seven years under the new Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP). Read DOE’s announcement here
ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell and Program Director Niko McMurray wrote a piece explaining the timeline of the ARDP, why it's important and provided some background on the two companies chosen. Read the blog here
ICYMI: We recently hosted a webinar that featured TerraPower and GE Hitachi’s new reactor design: Natrium. Watch it here
November 10: S&P Global Platts is hosting the Hydrogen Markets Americas Virtual Conference, featuring an event titled, “Financing Hydrogen Infrastructure: Next Steps.” More details and registration information here
November 10: The Texas Energy Summit is hosting a breakout session at 4:00pm ET titled, “Policies to Extend Texas' Leadership in Hydrogen, CCUS, and Direct Air Capture.” ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell is participating on the panel.
Registration here
November 18: ClearPath and Foreign Policy are hosting a virtual dialogue at 11:00am EST, “Clean Energy Innovation: A Path to Strengthen US Competitiveness & Drive Global Development.” Speaker information forthcoming, but details and registration information here.