It has been a long road. We’ve made 14,531 calls to caregivers across the country to make sure they have everything they need to vote. And we want to make sure you do too. So when you head to the polls by November 3, if you haven’t voted already, don’t forget some essentials:
- Your mask
- Hand sanitizer
- Your own black ink pen
- A photo ID
And if you have questions, you can always check out our voter guide.
This election is so important for the future of care, which is why we are doing everything we can to make sure caregiver voices are heard.
Will you help us get your community out to vote? Share one of the images below on Facebook to remind people to make sure they vote by November 3:

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We’re in this together, as a community of caregivers, care workers, seniors, and people with disabilities. We deserve to have our voices heard in a critically important election.
With care,
Vanessa Faraj, Manager of National Organizing
Caring Across Generations