Dear John,

Human rights are never more fragile than in times of crisis. At the start of this pandemic, the Government introduced legislation which watered down the rights of people in Britain. 

They created the Coronavirus Act – a law we are fighting to repeal because it contains powers which are so broad they are dangerous. For example, it allows police to detain practically anyone, strips away disabled people’s rights and limits protest. 

At times like this it’s vital we all know, cherish and fight for our rights. 


This month marks the 20th anniversary of the Human Rights Act coming into force. Since 2000, this incredible Act of Parliament has protected all of us.  Soldiers, people in care, journalists, LGBT+ people, disabled people, workers, children. It enables us to hold the powerful to account when they abuse our rights.

A whole generation has grown up safe in the knowledge that their rights are enshrined in law by the Human Rights Act.

Now, with the future of our rights in jeopardy, it’s even more important that we cherish the Human Rights Act and celebrate the justice it’s made possible.

That’s why we’re giving away our popular pocket-sized guide to your fundamental rights. 

Get the guide, learn about your rights and continue to stand up to power.  

Thank you for your support.

Gracie Bradley
Interim Director

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