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A Saudi man stabbed and slightly wounded a guard at the French consulate in the city of Jiddah on Thursday, authorities said, as France urged its citizens in
the kingdom to be "on maximum alert".
New Zealanders have voted to legalise euthanasia for those with a terminal illness, in a victory for campaigners who say people suffering extreme pain should
be given a choice over how and when to bring their life to a close.
It seems Imran Khan's view is that radicalisation is always the fault of those who respond to it, not the responsibility of those who are the radicals
Turkey has threatened "legal and diplomatic" action against the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo after it published a caricature of
president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on its latest front page.
The former prime minister of Malaysia has sparked fury after saying Muslims 'have a right to kill millions of French people' in the wake of three knife
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