With only five days left until Mississippians vote, we need to pull out all the stops to elect Mike Espy and flip the Senate. That’s why we’re setting a new goal.

We’ve got a big announcement!

As of today, our campaign has officially reached out to Mississippi voters over 1,000,000 times! ONE MILLION!

This is a huge milestone for our campaign, and we couldn’t have done it without you pitching in and making calls. But with only five days left until Mississippians vote, we need to pull out all the stops to elect Mike Espy and flip the Senate. That’s why we’re setting a new goal.

From now until the election, our campaign needs to make an additional 100,000 calls.

We know that’s a big number, but hitting this goal will go a long way to electing Mike Espy in five days. Will you sign up to make calls now? Winning this seat couldn’t be more important to taking back the Senate.


Our campaign has huge momentum right now. Between hitting 1,000,000 attempts, outraising our opponent 45 to 1 in the last reporting cycle, and the polls showing us neck-and-neck, this race has never been closer, and we need your help to finish strong.

Will you help hit our goal of 100,000 calls between now and Election Day? If everyone reading this signs up, we will hit our goal. It all ends on Tuesday, and there’s no time to waste.


Thanks for all that you do, and let’s make history in five days!

– Team Espy