Wow!  Look at us!


I mean it... Look at us! And that's just Tarrant County!  We are now in Denton County and Dallas County; we're working on Collin County and Lubbock County; Williamson County is next; and there are more asking to get started!

I hope you'll agree that True Texas Project plays an effective and vital role in Texas politics. While we have an AMAZING group of volunteers, the bulk of the everyday work that makes TTP happen falls on Fran Rhodes and myself. We are both 100% volunteers. We've never taken money, and we never plan to. We are pouring in way more than full-time hours and making a lot of sacrifices because we feel called to do it... and we enjoy it!

However, the time has come that we need help. With us expanding across the state, the workload is more than two people can handle. Volunteers fill in some of the gaps, but frankly, volunteers aren't always reliable or capable. It's time to hire an employee. To do that, we need funds, and we've got to have your help.

If a lot of folks chip in little bits, it adds up quickly. For example, we currently pay all our monthly expenses for venues, speaker fees, website, communications, etc, off of $15 donations that people give every month (That's the average, but we literally have someone who gives $1/month and someone who gives $100/month!).

What will you give? If you believe in the work True Texas Project does month in and month out (voter guides, speakers, trips to Austin, coordinated activism, videos, educational information, holding electeds accountable, and providing a community of like-minded patriots to fellowship and do battle with) please help us maintain our efforts.

We've never, ever asked for money just to build a kitty. We've been direct and upfront with you regarding every need we've had for the past 11 years, and you've always come through. I have no reason to think you won't this time too! I hope so...because the way way it's working right now, honestly, is not sustainable. Please do what you can.

Additionally, Fran and I have been giving presentations to large donors hoping to raise funds that way. If you know someone who might donate if they knew more about our group, please connect us.

>>>>Here's the link where you can sign up to donate. <<<<

One-time gifts are appreciated (of course!), but monthly donations of any amount make it so much easier to budget our expenses!

Thank you! We are grateful for each and every one of you!

Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas Project

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