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Dear John,

Right now we have our very best chance this year to win spending cuts in Congress, but I urgently need your help today to seize this opportunity!

Let me explain.

In July, Congress and the White House negotiated a budget agreement that will suspend the debt limit for two years and increase spending by a whopping $320 billion. Lawmakers from both political parties collaborated to bust the 2011 spending caps that have been one of the few successful xxxxxxs against the growth of big government.

The only saving grace in the budget debacle is a $77 billion offset included in the deal — meaning that Congress must find ways to cut at least that much in the spending bills for the new fiscal year that begins on October 1.

John, CAGW’s Prime Cuts is the single best blueprint for identifying these much-needed cuts. Our annual report identifies 636 specific recommendations that would save taxpayers $429.8 billion in the first year and $3.1 trillion over five years.

That’s more than enough to pay for the $77 billion offset and then some!

We must get our report in front of key congressional decision-makers and demonstrate in no uncertain terms that it is endorsed by taxpayers like you all across the country who want Congress to act on our waste-slashing recommendations. But we only have a few short weeks to get as many as possible of our waste cuts incorporated into the 2020 appropriations bills.

That’s why I need to ask you today to make an emergency contribution to CAGW to help us fight for and win our Prime Cuts.

Let me give you just three examples of the commonsense cuts in the worst deficit-producing government waste our report identifies:

  1. Eliminate the Market Access Program – a corporate welfare handout to large companies to pay for advertising in foreign countries – saving $870 million over five years.

  2. End the sugar subsidy – an outdated, Soviet-style program that benefits wealthy sugar growers and processors – saving $6 billion over five years.

  3. Sell underutilized and vacant federal property – saving $15 billion over five years.

John, we have literally hundreds of additional waste-slashing recommendations in Prime Cuts, and we know for a fact that our carefully researched, clearly documented proposals can earn enough support from both sides of the political aisle in Congress to gain passage.

Last year, the enactment of our Prime Cuts recommendations saved $44.7 billion. This year, Congress is required by law to cut at least $77 billion.

Your financial support today will allow us in the very short time we have to quickly rally hundreds of thousands of opinion leaders, activists, and dedicated fiscal conservatives all across the country to demonstrate a groundswell of popular support for our vitally-needed spending cuts while Congress assembles the 2020 appropriations bills.

Additionally, your contribution will help us arm our allies in Congress with the facts, figures, and arguments they need to go up against the big-government, Socialist politicians who will fight tooth-and-nail against trimming even a penny from the federal budget (unless it’s from the defense budget).

John, please help us seize this opportunity before the new fiscal year begins on October 1 to win as many wasteful spending cuts as we can by making your largest possible contribution of $10.00, $15.00, $25.00, $35.00, or even more today. Thank you in advance for your support.


Thomas A. Schatz

P.S. John, Washington’s latest budget deal is a disaster for taxpayers, but there is a small window of opportunity over the next few weeks to use the recommendations in CAGW’s Prime Cuts to offset at least $77 billion of the new spending. Please make an emergency contribution today to help us build an overwhelming public outcry for our urgently-needed spending cuts!




Citizens Against Government Waste is the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with more than one million members and supporters nationwide. It is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Contributions to CAGW are tax-deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permitted by law. For more information about CAGW, visit our website at Make a tax-deductible contribution to CAGW today to help fight the war on waste.

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