From NJ-11 RACE UPDATE <[email protected]>
Subject If everyone reading this gave $1
Date October 29, 2020 10:04 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

A dollar from you still makes a big difference for our campaign. Yes, even this close to Election Day.

Here's why: The election isn't over yet.

Our team is still making calls, distributing voter literature, and running TV ads. Our ability to do all of those things could determine the outcome here in NJ-11 and in the race for the House Majority.

We're still relying on your generous grassroots contributions to finish out our campaign strong. If everyone reading this email chipped in $1, we'd make up the gap to stay on track to our final end-of-month goal of the election. If you can, chip in now, and we'll TRIPLE your contribution.


Team Mikie

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