From Field Team @ WisDems <[email protected]>
Subject All eyes on Wisconsin
Date October 29, 2020 10:00 PM
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One thing has become clear in these final
days of the election: Speaker Pelosi was absolutely right when
she said, "It all comes down to Wisconsin."

That's why our team is working harder than ever to deliver a
victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Tuesday -- but we need
your help.

Will you join our volunteers for the final GOTV push of this
historic election? Click here to join us for a phone bank shift
(or several!) in these final days!
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Everything depends on the actions we take right now -- after the
Supreme Court sided with Trump's GOP on Wisconsin voting rights,
we need to do everything we can to protect the vote and ensure a
Biden-Harris victory in our state.

If you can't join us for a shift to contact voters (or
even if you can!) please chip in $10 or any amount to help
us protect the vote here in Wisconsin!
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Thank you,


Paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Ben Wikler, Chair

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