Dear John,

Don’t let Big Oil destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Stop seismic testing plans.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is at risk for seismic testing for oil deposits in December. Take action now.

The Bureau of Land Management wants to test for oil deposits in an area where polar bears, caribou, grizzly bears, arctic foxes, and other wildlife inhabit. The testing utilizes acoustic waves to search for formations of oil deposits below the surface. This puts wildlife at risk, damages the landscape, and threatens the way of life of the Indigenous Gwich’in people.

The BLM is trying to sneak this permit in quickly, only giving 14 days for the public to weigh in. John, we need you to stop this dangerous plan!

451,000 acres of public land are at risk. Demand the Bureau of Land Management stop seismic testing in the Arctic Refuge. 

The delicate Arctic ecosystem has already seen tragedy from climate change. Adding fossil fuel exploration and infrastructure will alter the balance that could upset the way of life for iconic species.

Seismic testing would fill a space the size of South Carolina with a dense grid of crisscrossing tracks -- the equivalent of almost a full trip around the Earth. Thumper trucks, convoys of 90,000 lbs., bulldozers, and tractors will roll over this fragile ecosystem 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for months on end.

Thirty years ago, seismic testing conducted in a limited area in the Refuge caused extensive damage it still carries scars from. Modern seismic methods will only be worse.

We need your help to stop the permitting. The BLM needs to fully consider the harm that will come to the wildlife and the planet.

Use your voice. Demand the BLM protect the Arctic’s vulnerable ecosystem.

The Arctic Refuge is sacred to the Indigenous Gwich’in people. For thousands of years, they have relied on the animals like the Porcupine caribou herd. Seismic testing will exploit their sacred land and could disrupt wildlife, causing lasting damage to the Gwich’in’s way of life.

Representatives of the Gwich’in people have long opposed this testing. But the BLM is pushing ahead anyway -- attacking their land, wildlife, and human rights. John, will you help stop it?

15,000 more signatures needed. Help stop seismic testing in the Arctic Refuge.

Standing with you,
Marcie Keever,
Legal director,
Friends of the Earth
