Snowy egret


With the 2020 election in less than a week, time is running out to be a wildlife voter. If you care about at-risk species, wild lands, breathable air, and clean water for every living being—then you are a wildlife voter!

And we hope every wildlife voter casts their ballot in this consequential election.

Some states have strict deadlines for mailed ballots and the overwhelmed US Postal Service could cause delays, so we encourage everyone who has not voted yet to make a plan to vote safely in person. Click here to find information on voting in your state, John.

From the presidential race to local elections, the issues that impact wildlife, the outdoors, clean air and water, the changing climate, and our outdoor heritage hang in the balance.

No matter what happens on Tuesday, the outcome will have consequences that will last for generations. We’re not just voting for ourselves—we’re voting for the future of both people and wildlife. That’s why it’s so important that every single friend of wildlife casts their vote in this election.

Already voted? Thank you! You can do even more by encouraging the people in your life to vote and reminding them what’s at stake. Click here to urge friends and family to help wildlife win in this election.

Your participation in this election will have an impact on addressing the urgent conservation challenges we face. Please take a few minutes to check out information on voting in your state.

We appreciate all that you do for wildlife and our shared habitat.

Thank you,

The National Wildlife Federation Civic Engagement Team

P.S. If you’ve already voted, please urge friends and family to make their voices count for people and wildlife.


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The National Wildlife Federation
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The National Wildlife Federation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
PO Box 1583, Merrifield, VA 22116-1583
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