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We didn't make it, John.

Yesterday we asked for help keeping our ad up on TV and unfortunately we didn't hit our goal.

If we don't raise $3,000 by midnight tonight, we will have to pull our ad.

Will you help us and chip in $10 right now?
40% of registered voters still haven't cast their ballot, which means this is still anyone's race.

If we don't reach them before they vote, we could lose. Will you chip in $10 today to make sure undecided voters see our ad?
I know we can win this if we work together - I have only made it this far because of you, and I will win because of you. In five short days, we will elect a new state superintendent because we are strong together.

P.S. If you have already given the $360 maximum contribution to the campaign, you can still support races up and down the ballot by donating to theĀ Montana Democratic Party.
Paid for By
Romano for Montana, Democrat
PO Box 6985, Helena, MT 59604
Karen Moses, Treasurer

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