Dear John,
What an incredible evening celebrating the Texas Freedom Network's 25th Anniversary! As our amazing host TFN Board Member Stephanie Chiarello proclaimed: “It was the best party on the internet!”
I couldn’t be more excited, and more deeply grateful, to share that our Cheers to 25 Years Virtual Celebration raised $199,743 to fund TFN's fight to create a more just and equitable Texas. Your generous support and commitment is what makes this work possible. Cheers to you!
The powerful mission-focused moments in last night's program filled me with so much pride for what this network has built together over 25 years and with hope for what your support will accomplish in the years to come.
Thank you to all of our inspiring speakers who contributed to the evening’s festivities: TFN Founder Cecile Richards, U.S. Rep. Marc Veasey, State Rep. Mary Gonzalez, Sam Smoot, Amy Hagstrom Miller, Dyana Limon-Mercado, Mimi Marziani and our Board Members Rabbi Neal Katz, Diane Ireson, Joni Cohan, Emma Brockway, Dr. Annie Linebarger and Prof. Mark Chancey.
Special heartfelt thanks to our Texas Rising students Ric Galvan and Denisce Palacios, whose meaningful remarks truly embodied the spirit of grassroots activism and a tireless commitment to social justice.
And finally, the night would not have been possible without our outstanding host Stephanie Chiarello. Broadcasting live from her living room, Stephanie made last night a true success.
Although I missed being together in person with all of you one last time as TFN President, I could still absolutely feel the unbreakable sense of community that binds us — and that powers us toward our shared vision for the future.
With utmost gratitude,
Kathy Miller
TFN President
P.S. It's not too late to make a donation! If you haven’t already made a gift, there’s still time to contribute!
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Legacy Partners
Amy & Lee Fikes
Molly Gochman
Way to Win
Naomi Aberly
Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation
Cecile Richards & Kirk Adams
SXSW Community Fund
Peggy & Matt Winkler
Maggie & David Bettner
Picce & Bob Glast
Libby & Dale Linebarger
The Neavel Family
Bettye Nowlin
Judith Shure & James Mattingly
Texas State Teachers Association
Martha Claire Tompkins
James Vaughan
Margie Becker & Glenn Smith
Kaki & Larry Buck
Joni & Bob Cohan
Libby & Hon. Lloyd Doggett
The Jeff Eller Group
Melanie Gray & Mark Wawro
Richard Hartgrove & Gary Cooper
Diane Ireson & Rowland Cook
Lisa & Peter Kraus
Dr. Annie Linebarger & Jason Jones
Debbie Martin & Robert Sullivan
Ann & Jim McMullan
Ginni & Richard Mithoff
Deedee Ostfeld
Bonnie Reed & Stuart Schlossberg
Lisa Simmons
Barbara & Louis Sklar
Dale & Stephen Sonnenberg
Tracy Anne Allred & Mark Chancey
Maida & Paul Asofsky
Atchley & Associates
Carol Barger & William Elliott
Susie Brodsky & Kimberly Allen
Mary Kay & Dr. Gene Buinger
Elma Cantú Aldrete & James Aldrete
Marilí Cantú Burbes & Craig Burbes
Maria Cantú Hexsel & Ricardo Hexsel
Colleen Casey & Tim Maloney
Lisa & Ky Cauble
Kathleen Curry & Scott Sawtelle
Robbie Edwards & Bob Kendrick
Mary Flanagan & Michael Lichtenstein
David Frederick
Karen & Buster Freedman
Friedel Family Foundation
Cheryl & Jim George
Rhonda & Dr. Paul Gerson
Paul Heller
Darlene Hicks
Rachel & Jonah Jackson
Rusty & John Jaggers
Rabbis Nancy Kasten & David Stern
Janey & Melvin Lack
Margery & Robert Loeb
Sheila & Norman Loewenstern
Amy Lowrey
Judy & Bruce MacKenzie
Elena & Kenneth Marks
Rosanna Martinez
Sally McIntosh
Sherry & Gerald Merfish
MFI Foundation
Susan Moffat & Nick Barbaro
Susan Mooberry & Gregory Patterson
Margaret Payne
Janis & Joe Pinnelli
Ann-Marie & Bob Price
Hon. Alec Rhodes
Marci Rosenberg & Benjamin Samuels
Joyce & Amb. Arthur Schechter
Susan & David Shepard
Andrea & Chad Smith
Lynn & Rabbi Sam Stahl
Phyllis & Ron Steinhart
Ede & Bruce Weiner
Pamela & Rom Welborn
Melba & Ted Whatley
Anne Alexander
Barbara & Wayne Alexander
Paula Arnold
Robbie & Tom Ausley
Becky Beaver
Phyllis Bernstein
Rev. Gina Bethune & Rev. Dr. Larry Bethune
Hedie & Scott Blech
Rabbi Neil Blumofe
Drs. Tess Bobo & Lon Fry
Rosalie & Jim Boldin
Steve Bratteng
Suzee & Greg Brooks
Dr. Melvin Cohen
Chris & Jim Cowden
Patricia & David Davidson
Jan Demetri & Jim Davis
Sally Drews
Laura Ewing & John Hull
Shudde Fath
Lulu Flores & Scott Hendler
Marion T. Flores
Bettie & Brian Forman
Melyssa Fratkin
Al Giles
Toni and Richard Goldsmith
Ann S. Graham & Dr. Arlen Johnson
Gail Griswold & Bill Brice
Allison Heinrich
Marcy Helfand & Robert Book
Barbara Hines
Rev. Jo Hudson
Mardi & Mark Kunik
Becky & Steve Kush
Kathy & Bob Lindauer
Karen & Jon Loehman
Gail & Guillermo Marmol
Janie & Cappy McGarr
Ann McGinley
Brett Merfish & Christina Gorczynski
Carol & Ted Middelberg
Carol & Gary Miller
Janis Monger and Thomas Mason
NARAL Pro-Choice Texas
The Neighborhood
H. Joe Nelson III
Nancy & Thomas Netherland
Judith Norman
Becky Pastner & Steven Smith
Pastors for Texas Children
Planned Parenthood Texas Votes
Cheryl Pollman
Progress Texas
Kelly Ranson
Janet L. Redeker
Kathy T. Rider, LCSW, BCD
Renee & David Rogers
Romero Williams Family Fund
Eddie Safady
Ann & Irwin Sentilles
Nancy & Robert Shivers
Lisa & Charles Siegel
Chula Sims & Dick Lavine
David C. Smith & Chris Long
Sally & Bob Sohn
Sylvia & Philip Spertus
Francis & Darien Stefani
Luciana & Stefano Stefani
Norma & Donald Stone
Don Ford Stuart
Dr. David C. Tyler
Kristie & Ryan Valentine
Melba Vasquez, PhD & James H. Miller, LCSW
Ann Wales
Wendy Barker & Steven Kellman
Alison & Taylor Boone
Mary Braunagel-Brown and S. Bruce Brown
Pam & Jeff Brown
Dr. Marsha Burnett-Webster & Col. Cecil Webster
Barbara & Richard Chiarello
Roslyn Dawson Thompson & Rex Thompson
Jessica Epperson
Gayle Fallon
Parisa Fatehi-Weeks
Lulu Flores & Scott Hendler
Cynthia Ford & John Abrams
Karen Ostrum George
Lora Ann & Steve Gerson
Martha & Lee Grant
Debbie & Ron Greene
Amy & Bart Grossman
Yvonne Gutierrez
Danna & James Halff
Linda & Richard Halter
Hon. John Hirschi
Jay Jones
Jennifer & Rabbi Neal Katz
Bernice C. Kaufman
Terri LeClercq & Jack Getman
Lilith Fund
Julie & Michael Lowenberg
Cynthia Lyle & David Young
Michele & Marshall Missner
Beatrice Mladenka-Fowler & Jesse Fowler
Hon. Elliott Naishtat
Jim Neal
Courtney & David Newmark
Linda & Paul Parrish
Marnene & Garry Potts
Patricia Pratchett
The Rabble Podcast
Ellen Richards & Greg Johnson
Joanne & Hamilton Richards
Jessica & Louis Roddy
Irene & Byron Smith
Susan & Tommy Smith
Lucina Suarez & Thomas Shipley
Jennifer Treat
Halley Trevas
Rita C. Vallet
Vickie & David Vogel
Dr. William O. Walker, Jr.
Barbara Wilson & Elliot Trester
Megan & Brady Wood
Susan Yates
Thank You to Our 25th Anniversary Committee
James Aldrete
Carol Barger
Margie Becker
Rev. Dr. Larry Bethune
Rabbi Neil Blumofe
Emma Brockway
Mark Chancey
Stephanie Chiarello
Joni & Bob Cohan
Sally Drews
Hon. Sarah Eckhardt
Jessica Epperson
Odus Evbagharu
Amy & Lee Fikes
Olac Fuentes
Diane Ireson
Rabbis Nancy Kasten & David Stern
Rabbi Neal Katz
Alice & Michael Kuhn
Dr. Annie Linebarger
Colleen Loper
Debbie Martin & Robert Sullivan
Ann & Jim McMullan
Katrina Mendiola
Bettye Nowlin
Ann Parrish
Cecile Richards
Dale & Stephen Sonnenberg
Ashley Thomas