Health care is a right. My support for the Affordable Care Act and my fight against Donald Trump's efforts to undermine it are based on this fundamental belief.

We must expand access to high-quality, affordable health care and resist the Trump administration's efforts to yank health coverage away from millions of Americans in the middle of a pandemic.

In Washington state, overturning the ACA would mean 565,000 people could lose health coverage and 3.1 million people could lose protections for pre-existing conditions. That is unacceptable. We need to protect and expand the ACA, not repeal it.

I will continue to fight for health care that fits families' budgets. I support universal health coverage by creating a public option and allowing Medicare buy-in.

I am also working to lower prescription drug costs. That is why I support the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act to give Medicare the power to negotiate directly with drug companies to lower prices.

Vote for your health. Together, we will beat Trump, elect Democrats up and down the ballot, and restore our democracy.

I hope to earn your support,


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