![]() Dear Patriot, I wish I could say this is a laughing matter. After months of failed “lockdowns” and ridiculous mask mandates, it looks like we may be in for a holiday season full of outrageous behavior by our governors and state bureaucrats. They’ve already proven to be the worst kind of authoritarians we could ever imagine, but now they’re stepping into our homes with their most intrusive behavior yet -- right in time for Thanksgiving. California Governor Gavin Newsom has issued the most onerous set of guidelines yet. Just take a look at some of the restrictions he’s “mandating” for Thanksgiving celebrations: >>All gatherings must include no more than three households, including hosts and guests; >>All festivities must be held OUTSIDE, maximum of 2 hours; >>Guests may use bathroom inside, but only if “frequently” sanitized; >>Masks must be on faces, except briefly while eating; >>Singing
“strongly discouraged;” >>6 feet of space is mandated in all directions and between all tables. Using fear tactics and executive overreach, Newsom and other governors have spent months destroying
constitutional rights -- now they’re determined to destroy our family time during the holidays.
If we’re going to move beyond this so-called “pandemic,” back to a society that allows people to live their lives without constant medical surveillance and demands about how they spend time with their families, governors are going to have to reverse course immediately. Tell your governor that you will not tolerate them using the CDC’s “suggestions” to destroy our society any further. Then please consider a contribution of $10 or even $25 or $50 to put the message of Liberty front and center with these out of control governors! These governors need to step up and admit they cannot control a virus and they cannot control our lives. Or they need to step down. The CDC does not get to run our state governments. On one hand, governors will use the health bureaucracy guidelines to creep into our homes, but on the other hand, they ignore the guidelines when it doesn’t fit the agenda of crashing their own economies so they can line up for the latest round of “bailouts.” The World Health Organization (WHO) is now telling governments to NOT use lockdowns, as they cause more harm than good. That’s not stopping Illinois Governor Pritzker who started a new round of lockdowns, targeting bars and restaurants with indoor dining -- they are being ordered to shutdown again! With many now not complying, Pritzker is threating to take away their business and liquor licenses in an authoritarian outburst. Sign the petition now! The Illinois Restaurant Association is warning that Pritzker’s reckless new lockdown orders could shutter many more restaurants. "Unless the state of Illinois takes a more reasonable approach to mitigation, thousands of restaurants are at risk of permanent closure." State governments are supposed to be a check on the federal bureaucracy, standing in the way of their own state being forced into submission by unaccountable bullies in Washington, D.C. Sign the petition to demand your governor open up your state fully, with no more lockdowns! And some states find this all very amusing. Take for instance the October 14 appearance by Oregon Senior Health Advisor Claire Poche who appeared for a coronavirus update dressed as a clown. ![]() Even cities have taken their ridiculous mandates, like mask wearing in indoor spaces, way too far. Nashville, TN police have been ordered to arrest people on the street, for not wearing a mask while outside! A video made the rounds on the internet this week where a woman was put under arrest with multiple officers surrounding her. A police department spokesperson confirmed that her only crime was not wearing a mask outdoors. The Trump administration, through Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, has begun to instruct the public this week that a virus cannot be contained from spreading by these tyrannical measures, but some governors haven’t gotten the memo. What will it take? Michigan has seen their lockdowns and executive orders all overturned in the courts, but the citizens no longer trust their governor and are launching a well-coordinated recall effort, in anticipation that she will never recover from being drunk on power and will have to be removed from office. Perhaps Michigan will end up being the example for many other states to follow if governors like Newsom (D-CA), Pritzker (D-IL), and even Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) don’t back down. Tell your governor you won’t accept any more lockdowns or mask tyranny. Sign the petition now! Children in school are getting some of the worst treatment as “suspected carriers” of a virus. Not only are they being forced into mask-wearing all over the country, but public schools are now being shut down after just a few weeks of being open. In Fountain Hills, AZ, the entire high school was just shut down for two weeks and every single student directed to quarantine . . . Over ONE positive test, which may not even be accurate! School officials used “contact tracing” to make the determination that every single person in the high school may have been “exposed.” This is hysteria. People need to come to grips with the reality about this virus. If they’re looking for an example to follow, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) reversed its course on lockdowns and enforcement of mask wearing nearly a month ago, and Florida has not descended into any kind of medical crisis. This is a time for courageous people to step forward, lead, and put an end to the power grabs and damaging lockdowns. Giving in to fear will always turn us into mere subjects of the ruling class. The same has been true during my time in politics and throughout history. Thank you for joining us in this fight. For Liberty, ![]() Dr. Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. Campaign for Liberty is fighting back daily against any more coronavirus lockdowns, bailouts, contact tracing and tracking schemes, mask mandate pushing, and even untested and unproven forced vaccinations. But we can’t do it without your help. Please consider pitching in a contribution of $10 -- or even $25 or $50 -- to ensure Campaign for Liberty can keep the pressure on the authoritarians who have taken control across the country by using disgraceful fear tactics against all of us. |