new from aee
In a new Wholesale Markets Brief, AEE highlights advanced technologies that can help grid operators improve our transmission system but are often overlooked. Topology Control, Dynamic Line Ratings, and Flow Control Devices are among the technologies that can alleviate some transmission problems at lower cost than more towers and wires. Such technologies can improve flexibility and grid resilience, facilitate integration of clean resources, and save consumers and grid operators money, but need FERC to make regulatory changes to ensure fair competition among technology solutions for transmission challenges. Click below to download the new Advanced Transmission Technologies brief, or any of our nine other Wholesale Market Briefs.
Click below to download the new Advanced Transmission Technologies brief, or any of our nine other Wholesale Market Briefs.

on the blog
Whether the United States has “turned the corner” on the COVID-19 public health crisis or is looking at a long, cold winter of social distancing, at some point the conversation in Washington, D.C., is going to have to move from providing short-term relief to jumpstarting economic growth. When that time comes, advanced energy deserves to be high on the list for federal stimulus dollars. Public support is high: A recent New York Times/Siena poll shows that more than 70% of voters would support a $2 trillion renewable energy and infrastructure plan for economic stimulus. What would an infusion of stimulus funds like that mean for states? AEE, along with Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance (TAEBA), asked Analysis Group, an international economics consultancy, to run the numbers for eight states. The results show a high ROI for public dollars put to work in advanced energy. Continue reading on the blog. >
AEE Votes

Election Day is just five days away – and this year that's the last day to vote, not the first! Voting is your right and duty as an American. But do you have a plan? Voting by mail is no longer a possibility, but ballot drop-boxes, early voting, and of course going to the polls next Tuesday are still options for making your vote count in many locales. Find out what you can do to cast your ballot by clicking below and filling out the form to get your personalized voting information. This election could be one of the most important ones ever for advanced energy. Make your voting plan today!

AEE Webinars
Live on Thursday, November 12, at 3p ET / 12 PT
In its landmark Order No. 2222, FERC requires all Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators (RTOs/ISOs) to remove barriers to wholesale market participation by aggregated distributed energy resources (DERs). This means that DERs – including distributed solar, energy storage, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, demand response, and more – will be able to bid into wholesale energy, ancillary services, and capacity markets according to their technical capabilities. While holding enormous potential for DER providers and aggregators to enter new markets with new business models, Order No. 2222 sets out numerous compliance requirements, which the RTOs/ISOs will have to decide how to meet, subject to FERC approval. The results of that process will ultimately determine the scale of this market opportunity for advanced energy businesses. This AEE webinar will break down FERC’s Order and examine the questions that DER developers, utilities, and grid operators will have to grapple with as they put Order No. 2222 into practice.
- Jeff Dennis, Managing Director and General Counsel, AEE (moderator)
- Bruce Campbell, Director of Regulatory Affairs, CPower
- Christopher Hargett, Energy Policy & Regulatory Affairs, Consolidated Edison
- Kristin Swenson, Senior Advisor, Market Development, Midcontinent Independent System Operator
Learn all about FERC Order No. 2222 and how this landmark decision can affect your business.
Featured online events
AEE and Arizona Public Service (APS) have been working together to identify ways to help APS achieve its ambitious goals for clean energy and electrification of the transportation sector. Launched in October 2019, the Arizona Clean Energy Future project brought together 15 AEE member companies representing an array of technologies to work directly with APS staff members and develop a suite of products and services to support APS’s goals. Through this unique external product development process, AEE and APS have evaluated a range of innovative concepts and prioritized those that would be most beneficial for APS customers, the grid, and the broader Arizona region. In this session, AEE’s Lisa Frantzis, who led the project, will talk with Jeff Guldner, CEO of APS and its parent company, Pinnacle West, about Arizona Clean Energy Future and then broaden the discussion to include corporate leaders from participating companies. Register here for the second session of our three-part virtual conference.
Tune in to the 100% virtual Texas Energy Summit over five afternoons (Nov. 10-12 and Nov. 17-18), including networking, 2.5 hours of plenary and breakout session content each day. At 2 p.m. CT, there will be a keynote and/or plenary panel followed by 3-4 breakouts on topics introduced in the plenary. Panelists include TAEBA's Suzanne Bertin and Claire Alford! The Summit organizers focus content on improving air quality and growing the Texas economy through expansion of renewable energy, transportation electrification, industrial innovation, and energy efficiency. For more information and to register, we encourage you to click here!