NewsWatch Special Edition While homicides are trending towards a 10-year high, and shooting victims up over 23%, no Violent Crime Reduction Plan from the Los Angeles Police Commission can be found. This past Tuesday, Chief Moore reported the following to the Police Commission: Homicides increased 24.9% YTD; 33% compared to 2018 Gang homicides increased by 22.4% YTD Victims shot increased 23.4% YTD; 24% compared to 2018 Car stops down 24.5% YTD Firearms recovered down 23.6% (about 1200 more guns on the street) Crime victims deserve a voice. Residents deserve safe neighborhoods. Please help us find the Commission's Violent Crime Reduction Plan. Visit our website LA Police Protective League | 1308 West Eighth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Unsubscribe
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