Hi Friend,
While schools around the country continue to stay closed and many students adjust to remote learning, parents are waking up to the alarming reality that schools have been indoctrinating their kids for years. 

Parents have witnessed shocking cases of school officials pushing an overtly liberal political agenda on their very young and impressionable children.

It happened to my young child. 

Just last month, an official at my child’s school appeared on screen with political messages brazenly displayed as his backdrop. It was jarring and distracting for my son, and it made him feel uncomfortable. 
Children should feel safe at school. They shouldn’t be subjected to political brainwashing. Politics doesn’t belong in the classroom, especially during these divisive, toxic times.

This school official’s inappropriate behavior made me wonder—how long has this been going on without my knowledge? How many other young children are subjected to teachers pushing political agendas in the classroom?
The answer is depressing. For decades, public schools across the country have seen it as their role to push a leftist agenda on students and to convince students that America is an unjust, racist, oppressive country, as though Americans live under a tyrannical regime.

The “cancel culture” is coming for our classrooms and our children. And it’s time parents got “woke.”

For too long, public schools have glazed over parts of American history, selectively choosing what they teach and preach, and avoiding or erasing the stories and historical events that don’t fit their anti-American agenda.

Some even go so far as to try to rewrite history to fit today’s narrative. America’s history isn’t a fictional Hollywood script that can be changed to push an agenda.

“Canceling” parts of history doesn’t make them disappear. It only leaves students unaware of our past.

Schools are missing out on imparting valuable lessons onto students. How can we learn from our past mistakes, if we don’t know America’s full history? How can we ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself if the next generation isn’t taught America’s whole story?

Based on the state of our nation, our schools have largely failed us in this regard.
Parents need to fight back and demand that classrooms remain safe, politics-free places for children.

Sign our Parents’ Right to Know Petition today.
Julie Gunlock