Friend, if you believe that no eligible voter should be silenced in this all-important election -- no matter what President Trump says or does -- it’s crucial that you read on.
This year’s election is unlike any we’ve seen before. Millions of eligible voters are casting mail-in ballots -- which take longer to count, due to how diligent election officials are.
That means we likely won’t know who has won the presidency on Election Night this year. And that’s okay.
But President Trump’s team has begun to demand that final results are announced on Election Night anyway. They’re hoping Trump can use the incomplete count to declare victory -- then they’ll shut down ballot counting before an accurate final result can be determined.
SIGN THE PETITION: We must wait until we have the final, correct election results before a winner is reported -- even if it means we don’t know who won on Election Night >>
Friend, ensuring every last vote is counted is far more important than getting results quickly.
But if there’s needless pressure to call the presidential race too early -- we risk disenfranchising the millions of Americans who voted by mail and denying them their right to be heard in our democracy.
That’s why journalists and election officials can’t let Trump strongarm them into announcing a winner on Election Night based on incomplete or partial results -- at the expense of the integrity of our democracy.
Sign if you agree: every voter must have their ballot counted and their voice heard this fall, whether they voted by mail or in person -- even if it delays the results.
No matter what Trump says or does, every ballot will be counted this year, according to the law. Friend, no one can declare themselves the president -- that decision is to be made by the American people.
I hope you’ll take action today -- and spread the word to your friends and family, too.
Thanks for all you do,
Devon Nir, Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause
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