On Tuesday, a judge in Michigan, my home state, egregiously blocked a common-sense directive banning guns at polling places on Election Day. I can’t believe I have to say this, John, but no one in America should ever be threatened with guns while exercising their right to vote. Yet we’ve already heard reports of armed extremists planning to set up booths outside high-traffic polling places to intimidate voters in Michigan. 

As part of Brady’s legal team, I have now spent months tirelessly waging legal battles against Trump’s voter suppression — which is now downright dangerous. Let’s be clear, there is no Second Amendment right to carry guns wherever you want. Even Justice Scalia thought bans on guns in sensitive places were constitutional. The election is mere days away and that’s why we are urgently asking you to sign our petition to DEMAND that state lawmakers make polling places gun-free zones. >>

John, your voice has never been more important. For months now, armed extremists have threatened violence in Michigan, even planning to kidnap and murder Gov. Whitmer. And these threats of violence are not limited to Michigan. A new study released by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) and MilitiaWatch found that Michigan is among five states (alongside Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Oregon) that are at high risk for violence by armed intimidators on Election Day. Meanwhile, Donald Trump continues to embolden these extremists by actively recruiting “poll watchers” and telling armed white supremacist groups to “stand back and stand by.”

Armed intimidation at the polls is voter suppression, plain and simple. And it’s deadly. There is no time to waste, John: We are demanding that state and local officials take immediate action to prevent armed voter intimidation and protect the integrity of our elections. >>

Thank you for fighting beside me. There is so much at stake right now.

In solidarity,
Kelly Sampson 
Brady Senior Counsel and Director of Racial Justice, proud Detroit native


Source: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/523078-study-warns-five-states-at-high-risk-for-election-related-armed-violence-by