By the Numbers
5 out of 45 Presidents have come into office without getting the most votes nationwide

35 states have not received any visits in 2020 general-election presidential campaign

1000-to-1 -- Weight of a Florida voter in 2000 election versus the voters in the other 49 states

11% higher voter turnout in 2016 in the closely divided “battleground” states where people know their vote really matters

19% and 19% -- Percent of people living in the 100 biggest cities and percent living in Rural America

538 -- Number of votes in Electoral College (with 270 needed to win)

80% -- Percent of 2020 general-election campaign visits in 8 closely divided "battleground states"

0 -- faithless electors that have ever impacted the outcome of a presidential election

16 -- states that have enacted the National Popular Vote bill into law

196 -- Total number of electoral votes s in these 16 enacting states

74 -- Number of electoral votes needed to bring the National Popular Vote into effect. so that every vote will be equal, candidates will campaign everywhere, and the candidate with the most votes will be guaranteed to become President.
The National Popular Vote bill will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
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