Ronald Reagan and Popeye Were Right!
Time to Stop Drinking the Kool Aid!
By Larry Klayman
September 13, 2019
President Ronald Reagan, perhaps our greatest modern day president, had this to say when talking about the government: "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
If you fellow patriots have not learned this lesson by now, then the nation is doomed for extinction. And this is why it is not in my psyche to ask the government to do anything anymore, save for national defense and law and order.
It is because of this that I can no longer watch cable news, be it Fox News, CNN, or MSNBC, to name just a few. What good does it do anymore, particularly with regard to Fox News, who ideologically I used to be more akin to before it moved left under the ownership of the Murdoch sons? This so-called conservative network continues to parade out each evening on its prime time programming the same guests, who with the same host, spew forth the same "major new breaking developments." As just one example, there are the Mueller witch hunt, Fusion GPS, the Steele dossier and related scandals, but it does not stop there!
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