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Labor urges vote "Against" MontCo Question B
Carpenters partner up for students
Today's Labor Quote
Today's Labor History
[link removed] LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
No Contact Lit Drop at NoVA Labor: Thu, October 29, 11am - 2pm
4536 B John Marr Drive in Annandale, VA
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, October 29, 1pm - 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online
On today's show: MWC Political Director David Stephen on DC-area 2020 election actions/endorsements. Plus: The San Francisco Mime Troupe's Tales of the Resistance, "The Beginning of the End (Part One)": Will the Resistance become a Revolution? Or will the fascist corporate overlords maintain their control over the workers?
[link removed] Phone Bank for Elaine Luria (U.S. Congress, VA 2): Thu, October 29, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
[link removed] MD/DC AFL-CIO Labor 2020 phonebank (PA): Thu, October 29, 6pm - 9pm
[link removed] Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, October 29, 6pm - 7pm
Metro Washington Council, Community Services Agency and Claimant Advocacy Program staff are teleworking; reach them at the contact numbers and email addresses [link removed] here.
[link removed] Labor Radio Podcast Weekly Podcast Extra: America's Work Force; The Gig; Working People; Working To Live In Southwest Washington
Election 2020 Podcast Extra: Working-Class Perspectives Co-Editor John Russo discusses whether union members will vote for President Trump again. Why California's Proposition 22 ballot initiative is opposed by drivers and gig workers in both California and Nigeria. Catching up with two members of California's Labor Slate. History professor Donna Sinclair - and candidate for Washington's 18th Legislative District in Olympia - on how historians play a role in determining what's fake and what's real.
[link removed] Click here for the previous pod extra, with AFL-CIO Director of Government Affairs Bill Samuel, Washington State Representative Monica Stonier and Westchester/Putnam Central Labor Council Director Jenn Puja.
Labor urges vote "Against" MontCo Question B
Question B could bankrupt Montgomery County, warns a coalition of groups that includes a number of local unions (see graphic). A "right-wing stealth measure" proposed by fiscal conservative Robin Ficker, "it doubles down on a broken property tax system, turning a bad policy into a catastrophic one by eliminating any ability to provide basic services or to respond in a crisis," says Metro Washington Council Political Director David Stephen. The coalition, which includes longtime labor allies like CASA, Jews United for Justice and Progressive Maryland, is urging a vote "Against" Question B. "It would directly threaten our AAA Bond rating which is needed to fund schools, libraries, transportation projects, and rec centers," Stephen adds. "It doesn't promote a thriving economy and discourages the very economic growth needed to invest in critical infrastructure and address school overcrowding in a fiscally responsible way. That's the wrong choice at the worst possible time, threatening our ability to adequately address this COVID-19 health emergency and the resulting economic crisis."
Carpenters partner up for students
The Carpenters union is partnering with an Alexandria non-profit, Building Momentum, and the Alexandria City Schools to build desks for low income students so the students have a good workspace at home, reports NoVA Labor's Virginia Diamond. "Union contractors provided the materials for the desks," Diamond tells Union City. "The union is planning readiness programs for local residents to enter union apprenticeships."
Today's Labor Quote: Harry S. Truman
"It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it's a depression when you lose yours."
Today's Labor History
This week's [link removed] Labor History Today podcast: O Canada, organize!
How a little newspaper started labour journalism in Canada. The 1931 Fraser Mills Strike. And "Through Rain, Sleet, Snow and Terrorism."
Contributors: [link removed] Radio Labour; [link removed] On the Line: Stories of BC Workers; [link removed] Labor History in 2
Last week's show: [link removed] One Day More
Wall street crashes - "Black Tuesday" - throwing the world's economy into a years-long crisis including an unemployment rate in the U.S. that by 1933 hit nearly 25 percent - 1929
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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