• An update on all the latest happenings in the fight to defend our Second Amendment liberties.
• Results of our latest survey findings from Ron Paul Patriot Polls.| And after you read about the winner of our latest Patriot Club giveaway, I’ve included Dr. Ron Paul’s latest column obliterating the “Noble Lie” about the Federal Reserve System! After you read through it, I hope you’ll consider taking just a brief moment to sign up for the Patriot Club today. It would truly mean a lot to Dr. Paul and I to know that you have our backs day-in and day-out. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do in support of Campaign for Liberty! In Liberty, Norm Singleton President The House Judiciary Committee voted to send three dangerous gun control bills to the House floor this week: one bribing states with taxpayer dollars to enact so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws (H.R. 1236), one to arbitrarily limit magazine sizes (H.R. 1186), and one that permanently denies individuals their Second Amendment rights if they’ve been convicted of a misdemeanor “hate crime” (H.R. 2708). While the Senate still hasn’t formally taken action on any specific gun control bill yet, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said, “We are working on coming up with a proposal that the president will sign.1 But it’s not immediately clear if President Trump will commit to backing any specific gun control measure. Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA), who continues working with Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) on their so-called “Universal Background Check” bill, claims the president is “very interested” in their proposal.2 Despite the clever poll-tested euphemism about background checks, the practical result of the bill would lead to the creation of a de facto national gun registry of every gun and gun owner in the country. Still, the White House has sent mixed signals on gun control over the last six weeks that has left everyone guessing about what will happen next. On the one hand, President Trump said in early August, “Republicans and Democrats must come together and get strong background checks.3 On the other hand, as pressure has mounted from gun owners since then, he’s avoided talking about any specific gun control policies he’d like to see gun-grabbers enact. Trump’s aides acknowledged as much to reporters, saying “polling data indicated that the issue does not help the president with his core base of supporters.4 The president knows he will need gun owners on his side in 2020, and enacting gun control policies even President Obama couldn’t pass would be a sure-fire way to alienate them. That’s why continued pressure from C4L supporters can make a tremendous impact. Meanwhile, during the Democrat debate last night, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke obliterated the Left’s longstanding claim that “no one’s talking about taking your guns.” “Hell yes, we’re going to take away your AR-15, your AK-47,” O’Rourke declared, to roars of approval from the radical Democrat-base in attendance.5 As Dr. Paul has said before, “make no mistake, they’re coming for your guns if they can cobble the votes together to get them.” Whether it’s through so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders, denying Americans their Second Amendment rights for misdemeanors, or outright confiscation of certain types of firearms if Democrats should reclaim the White House in 2020, the gun-grabbers are pulling out all the stops right now to gut the Second Amendment. We must commit ourselves to matching their resolve. Campaign for Liberty will be delivering tens of thousands of signed “NO DEALS! NO GUN CONTROL!” petitions to President Trump and members of Congress as the fight heats up. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign your petition here today and share it with your pro-liberty friends and family. Congratulations to Mike W. of Cornelia, Georgia for winning Campaign for Liberty’s “Come and Take It” Patriot Club Giveaway. ![]() Mike will receive an autographed Gonzalez Flag, personally signed by Dr. Paul. Congratulations once again and thanks to all our Patriot Club monthly contributors for their generous sustaining contributions that lay the foundation for Campaign for Liberty’s battle to reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution! Keep an eye on your inbox for future giveaways and your chance to win a special prize. The initial results are in and Dr. Paul’s Gun Control Survey found Campaign for Liberty’s members and supporters strongly oppose new gun control measures being discussed on Capitol Hill. Out of nearly 12,000 responses, 95% of respondents opposed Congress reinstating the Feinstein Gun Ban. The survey found an equal number was opposed to “all efforts to restrict Americans’ Second Amendment freedoms in the name of ‘safety’.” These results provide a glimpse into the passionate views held by many Americans in defense of our Second Amendment freedoms. by Ron Paul, C4L Chairman Former Federal Reserve official Bill Dudley’s recent op-ed calling for the Federal Reserve to implement policies that will damage President Trump’s reelection campaign states that such action would be unprecedented. Dudley claims the Federal Reserve bases its policies solely on an objective evaluation of economic conditions. This is an example of a so-called noble lie — a fiction told by elites to the masses supposedly for the people’s own good, but really designed to maintain popular support for policies that benefit the elites. Dudley’s noble lie is designed to bolster a rapidly (and deservedly) eroding trust in the Federal Reserve. The truth is the Federal Reserve has always been influenced by, and has always tried to influence, politics. President George H.W. Bush and other members of his administration blamed his 1992 defeat on then-Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s refusal to reduce interest rates. Greenspan was more cooperative with Bush’s successor, Bill Clinton. Lloyd Bentsen, Clinton’s first Treasury secretary, wrote in his autobiography that the Clinton administration and the Federal Reserve had a “gentleman’s agreement” regarding support for each other’s policies. Greenspan also boosted President George W. Bush’s “ownership society” agenda by lowering interest rates after 9-11 and the collapse of the tech bubble, thus creating a housing bubble. Ben Bernanke, Greenspan’s successor, facilitated both Bush W. Bush and Barack Obama’s bailouts, “stimulus” spending, and massive welfare-warfare spending with record-low interest rates and quantitative easing. Speculation that the Fed was keeping interest rates low during the 2016 presidential campaign in order to help Hillary Clinton was fueled by the revelation that a Federal Reserve governor donated to Clinton’s campaign. Presidents have always tried to influence the Fed — usually pushing for lower rates to (temporally) boost the economy. President Richard Nixon was recorded joking with then-Fed Chair Arthur Burns about Fed independence. President Lyndon Johnson shoved Fed Chair William Martin against a wall after an interest rate increase. Johnson’s frustration may have been because he realized that the success or failure of his guns and butter policies was largely out of Johnson’s control. The success or failure of presidents’ agendas is often determined by a secretive central bank’s manipulations of the money supply. No wonder presidents spend so much time trying to influence the Fed. The Fed’s history of influencing, and being influenced by, presidents is one more reason why Congress should pass the Audit the Fed bill. Auditing the Fed is supported by almost 75 percent of Americans across the political spectrum, including such leading progressives as Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard. My Campaign for Liberty is leading a major push to get a majority of Congress members to cosponsor Audit the Fed in order to pressure House and Senate leadership to hold a vote on the bill. The American people have had enough of noble lies about the Federal Reserve. It is time for truth; it is time to audit the Fed. References: 1 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/house-committee-pushes-forward-on-gun-control-bills-as-senate-trump-vacillate/ 2 https://twitter.com/ThisWeekABC/status/1168175904645758976?s=20 3 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1158340095608610816?s=20 4 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/06/us/politics/trump-gun-control-manchin.html 5 https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/12/politics/beto-orourke-hell-yes-take-ar-15-ak-47/index.html |