Dear neighbors, 

A year ago today, you casted a vote for change in Albany. After months of knocking on doors, flyering, phone banking, and talking to neighbors, Senate District 13 won a hard fought battle to put the Senate Majority back in the hands of real Democrats! And what a year it’s been. 

The past year has been nothing short of amazing. As a conference, we passed long overdue legislation including Rent Reform, Voting Reform, GENDA, the Reproductive Health Act, Congestion Pricing, the Green Light Bill, and so much more. As your State Senator and the Chair of the Labor Committee, I passed several strong pieces of legislation aimed to give us a better work-life balance for my constituents and New Yorkers across the state, including:

Farm Workers Fair Labor Practices 
Legalization of E-Bikes & E-Scooters
Registry of Workplace Fatalities
Protecting Immigrants from Retaliatory Employers
Car Wash Workers Bill
Providing Workers Compensation Language Access Services

And we're just getting started!

I'm honored to be able to serve as your State Senator. Our team appreciates your attendance at events, calls about issues, and stops into our district office. Serving our community is truly what we love to do. I look forward to seeing you around the district this fall and winter, and can't wait to get back to Albany in January to continue representing SD13 to the best of my abilities.

A big thank you to everyone who got us here, who continue to advocate, to lobby, make calls, and organize. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for believing in me. 

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