PFAW Member, Brett Kavanaugh just let us know in clear terms that he – and likely the other right-wing justices on the Supreme Court, now including Justice Amy Coney Barrett – are ready to bend, twist, and distort the law however they need to in order to hand this election to Trump, should the results be disputed and legal challenges reach the Court. So we need to win big enough on Election Day to make sure the results are undeniable, so Trump’s bogus challenges don’t end up before the Supreme Court, and Republican states’ Supreme Court-approved efforts to disenfranchise voters don’t result in Trump remaining in the White House even if he loses the election (a threat that the Supreme Court just reminded us is very real). There are SIX DAYS left to get out every last progressive and Democratic vote before polls close on Election Day … and the stakes of not winning – and winning big – are almost too high to fathom. That’s why it’s so urgent that we hit the remaining $217,401 that we need to raise online by Election Day to fully fund all of our intense voter mobilization work. **All donations 3X-MATCHED through Election Day** Just minutes before the Republican-controlled Senate voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court, her fellow Trump nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, issued an opinion that should sound some of the loudest alarms yet about this election and the future of our democracy under this Supreme Court. In the second instance this year of the right-wing majority of the Supreme Court siding with Wisconsin’s Republican legislature to disenfranchise voters and force vulnerable voters to risk their health to vote in person, the Court’s conservatives ruled 5-3 that Wisconsin does not have to count mail-in ballots received after 8pm on Election Day. A horrible, anti-democracy ruling in and of itself. But what Brett Kavanaugh wrote in a concurring opinion was overtly partisan, hypocritical, and, frankly, terrifying. Kavanaugh joined Donald Trump in directly promoting the notion that ballots cast before or on Election Day but counted later are somehow illegitimate and that chaos could ensue if the results on Election Day were “overturned” by every vote being counted (Justice Kagan correctly pointed out in a dissent that there are no results to overturn UNTIL all the votes are counted)… He cited Bush v. Gore (!!!) to back up the idea that state courts have no say in reining in the whims of state legislatures when it comes to voting – even during a pandemic and even when the state’s constitution is the basis for court intervention. Remember that Kavanaugh – like Chief Justice John Roberts and now-Justice Amy Coney Barrett – were part of the Bush campaign’s legal team, fighting specifically to ALLOW un-postmarked Republican ballots to be counted long after Election Day. The hypocrisy of Kavanaugh’s partisan flip flop is suffocating. He even cherry-picked a quote, out of context, about possible reactions to counting valid-but-late-arriving ballots, from a law review article, titled, “How to Accommodate a Massive Surge in Absentee Voting,” that was written to support the opposite point of view! With unethical far-right partisans like Kavanaugh on the Court, our democracy is in trouble. But it will be in a lot more trouble if we don’t win this election and Trump Republicans control the White House, the Senate, AND the Supreme Court for years to come. Chip in now ... anything you can! Your donation will be 3X-MATCHED!>> Thank you for all you do. -- Ben Betz, Digital & Organizing