
Near the end of every election, campaigns experience a big fundraising boost. It’s no secret that as we get closer and closer to Election Day, more and more voters start to tune in. And in typical election cycles, this results in a surge of online donations. Some call this “magic money.”

But this election is different, John. For several different reasons, we’re not experiencing any boon of “magic money.”

That’s why I’m asking you right now, for one of the last times before Election Day, to step up and make a contribution. Can you chip in $5, $10, or whatever is meaningful to you right now?

We’re struggling to hit our final fundraising goal of the election — a $10,000 goal that will help us provide critical resources to our endorsed candidates for their last-minute get-out-the-vote efforts.

Thank you for your help. The work we’re putting in right now could make all the difference.
