Many members of 350 Mass feel it is important to call on people to get
ready to resist an illegitimate power grab with massive peaceful
protests, and to
insist that all votes be counted.
History teaches that responding promptly with massive peaceful
protests – such as demonstrations, strikes, and other forms of
nonviolent resistance - is the most effective way to resist a coup.
Hopefully that will not be necessary. If the results are clear enough
by the end of election night to lock up a majority of the Electoral
College votes, that probably would deter any coup-like activity. But
in uncertain situations, it is best to be prepared.
So, how can you and others get ready?
- Save the date! Be ready to show
up Nov. 4 (and possibly beyond).
- Take this pledge, sign this petition to Governor Baker, and ask your
friends to do the same.
RSVP to the rally on Boston Common currently planned
for 3:30 pm on Nov. 4, or enter your zip code and choose another event
near you. (RSVP in order to get updates.)
- Pick a buddy – or a squad – to
go with you. (More safe, more fun.)
See below for more resources, as well as some items more directly
related to climate.
Sam Payne
Digital Organizer & Communications Specialist
More on Defending Democracy
more background on defending democracy? Sign up for the
webinar How to Beat an Election-Related Power Grab (offered
nightly Oct. 25 - 30).
Willing to help out the Boston rally? Email David at
[email protected] if you
have been trained as a marshall or peacekeeper. You can register here for online marshal training this
Wednesday, 10/28, 5-7 pm (for both first-timers and those with
experience; will separate into breakout rooms based on experience).
Spread the word! Share this letter or this webpage. Think about a broad reach, not
just to known progressives & political activists. Such peaceful
protests succeed when they include the “center”, not just the
Other 350 Mass News
Send a Letter in Support of Climate-Friendly Transportation in
Allston: The Mass Dept. of Transportation’s Allston
Multimodal Project is a once-in-a-century opportunity to increase
regional transit, remove the highway viaduct, and improve conditions
of the Charles River's edge. But Transportation Secretary Pollack is
pushing for a new viaduct while advocates argue for an at-grade option
in the narrow “throat” area of the project. Don’t let MassDOT put up a
new 1950s highway for the 21st Century. Write [email protected] by
Oct. 30th to fully support the modified at-grade option. See the explainer and letter template from A Better City and
more background from Walk Boston.
Watch the Ballot Questions Webinar: Did you know that
the Nov 3 ballot includes key questions that could help us achieve our
climate goals? View a recording of our webinar "What's on the Ballot?" to
hear from a panel of experts as we do a deep dive into the questions
and explain how you can help get the word out. For more resources, see
this digital toolkit.
Keep Emergency Paid Sick Time Moving: The 350 Mass
Solidarity Working Group is taking on Raise Up Mass' Emergency Paid Sick Time campaign. The
EPST legislation is currently with the Ways and Means Committee, so
now is the time to push to make sure that it's favorably voted out
before the end of the session. If your node is interested in an
in-district meeting with your legislator, writing a letter to the
editor, or supporting the campaign in other ways, contact [email protected] or [email protected].
Key Climate Legislation is Stalling in Committee: Click here for background and for model scripts you
can use for calling or emailing your Rep and Senator about the pending climate
Write a Letter to the Editor: There's never been a
better time to take part in 350 Mass' Letters to the Editor (LTE)
team. Want to join? Email Alan Palm, Director of Organizing, at [email protected]
to find out more. Our members have a great success rate in getting
letters published! Read some of them here:
Other Climate Movement News
the Springfield Biomass-burning Facility: Mothers Out Front
is outraged at the environmental injustice of a proposed
biomass-burning facility in Springfield, the "asthma capital of the
United States". As reported in the Boston Globe, the East Springfield
community has been fighting this plant for over 10 years. You can
support them by writing a short personal note (email and/or tweet) to
your state Rep and Senator.
Solidarity Opportunities
Protest to Prevent Mass Evictions:
Massachusetts' eviction and foreclosure moratorium expired on
Oct 17, and over 100,000 households are at risk. Governor Baker's
plans to expand rental assistance won't stop these evictions. To
prevent catastrophe, we must pass the Guaranteed Housing Stability
bill, H.5018, to stabilize renters, small landlords, and homeowners
for a year. Use this tool to call your legislators, and join the
rally this Thursday (see the Facebook event). Thu, Oct 29, 10 am-noon,
Boston Housing Court, 24 New Chardon St, Boston.
More Signatures Needed to Protect Boston’s Largest Project to
House Residents Experiencing Homelessness: Monty Gold, a large
landowner and landlord with a poor track record of keeping up his
properties, has filed a lawsuit against the biggest affordable housing
project for people who have experienced homelessness of its kind in
Boston. The project is run by Pine Street Inn, a nationally recognized
leader that operates similar facilities with excellent track records.
Learn more and sign the petition here.
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helpful resource? Help us make it possible by donating today!
About Better
Future Project and 350 Mass