Friend — Today's special town hall meeting with PETA President Ingrid Newkirk and Senior Vice President for Laboratory Investigations Kathy Guillermo is about to begin, and I hope you'll join us. If you'd like to join tonight's presentation, you can do so by visiting right now. I'm looking forward to having you there! —Lisa |
Dear Friend, No animal advocacy group has done more to halt deadly experiments—and keep monkeys, mice, dogs, and countless other animals from being poisoned, cut open, and abused in laboratories—than PETA, and the progress that our team is making this year is something to cheer about. Our investigators are revealing the misery of animals held at hideous facilities like the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, our campaigners are persuading pharmaceutical giants like Bristol Myers Squibb and GlaxoSmithKline to stop using the cruel and worthless forced swim test, and our scientists are helping scientists and government officials embrace humane research methods that hold real promise in the fight against COVID-19—and that's just scratching the surface of all that we're accomplishing together. That's why I hope you'll join us on Wednesday, October 28, at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT for a special town hall meeting to discuss PETA's vital work to get animals out of laboratories. During this meeting, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk, Senior Vice President for Laboratory Investigations Kathy Guillermo, Vice President of Evidence Analysis Dan Paden, and PETA Science Adviser Jeff Brown will join me to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the ways we're ending horrific experiments on animals with your help. We encourage you to join us online, as we'll be sharing compelling images from the vital work that we'll be discussing. To participate, simply log on to at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on Wednesday, October 28. I look forward to having you join us on October 28! Kind regards, |
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