Bloomberg is trying to crush him at the final hour.


A gun-loving patriot needs your help.

Michael Bloomberg is spending $5 MILLION to try and CRUSH Mark Robinson -- the pro-2A political outsider running for Lt. Governor of North Carolina who’s SURGING in the polls.

Mark is not a politician. He’s just an everyday patriot who became a national 2A hero after delivering a fiery speech to his city council in defense of the Second Amendment.

But as a true political outsider, Mark simply does not have the funds to compete with a $5 million campaign against him.

And I hate to say it… but the truth is: $5 million worth of lies and attacks could do critical damage to Mark.

That’s why we’re stepping up to defend Mark from Bloomberg’s attempts to destroy his grassroots campaign.

Please make a contribution to Gun Owners of America’s Political Victory Fund to fight back against Bloomberg’s attempts to crush servant citizen Mark Robinson who is fighting for our God-given rights.

This is one moment from Mark’s speech that TERRIFIES Bloomberg:







Why is Bloomberg in New York City spending an unprecedented $5 MILLION to defeat a lieutenant gubernatorial candidate out in North Carolina?

Because if Mark wins, We The People win, too.

A victory for a complete political outsider like Mark would prove that We The People can win so long as we stand up, speak out, and FIGHT for our God-given liberties.

A servant citizen like Mark was what the Founders dreamed of for America, which makes him an absolute nightmare for anti-gun swamp politicians like Bloomberg.

Not only that -- but North Carolina has been reportedly shown to be the bellwether state of the 2020 election, and Mark Robinson is polling better than EVERY Republican running statewide!

If Mark wins North Carolina, then the entire 2020 elections will be won all thanks to one private individual who simply had the courage to speak up in defense of our God-given rights.

I hope you’ll defend Mark.

Please make a contribution to Gun Owners of America’s Political Victory Fund to fight back against Bloomberg’s attempts to crush servant citizen Mark Robinson who is fighting for our God-given rights.

In Liberty,

Tim Macy
GOA Political Victory Fund

Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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