With so much at stake this election, we invite you to join our Vote Biblical Values Rally this Sunday evening, November 1st at 6 PM at Grace Church at the Woodlands. This will be an in-person and an online livestream event! We invite our supporters in the Houston area to attend in-person, and we invite all our supporters across Texas to join us live on our Texas Values Facebook page

We are thankful to be partnering with Texas Pastor Council, Concerned Women for America of Texas, Family Research Council, and for our gracious hosts at Grace Church. Featured speakers at the rally include:

  • Jonathan Saenz, President of Texas Values

  • Pastor Dave Welch, Founder & President of Texas Pastor Council

  • Rick Green, Wallbuilders & Patriot Academy 

  • Pastor Steve Riggle, Senior Pastor of Grace Church

  • Pastor Jorge Tovar, Pastor of Jordan River Church

  • Ann Hettinger, State Director of CWA of Texas

  • Joseph Backholm, Family Research Council

On Election Day, November 3rd, the future direction of our nation and our freedoms is at stake. As Christians, we must be committed to our highest calling of honoring God with every part of our life – including voting biblically! 

Please make plans to join us online or in-person as we rally Christians across Texas on the final Sunday before Election Day! Help us spread the word by RSVPing on our Facebook event page.


Election Resources: Honoring God With Your Vote

Our newly launched Church Ambassador Network is working to equip churches to have the tools they need to honor God in this election season. The resources are non-partisan and  encourage Christians to think about their civic responsibility to vote biblically and prayerfully.  Please encourage your Church to use these resources this final weekend before Election Day!

Honoring God 2020 Resources include: 

•    Honoring God Bulletin Inserts (English & Spanish) 
•    Honoring God Video 
•    Honoring God Slides  
•    Honoring God Prayer Guide  

We also encourage you to use and share Texas Values Action’s General Election Voter Guide available at freevotersguide.com. It is the most comprehensive statewide voters guide in Texas! It will inform you on where all Presidential & Vice Presidential, federal, statewide, and state candidates stand on cores issues like religious liberty, marriage, life, and much more.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220