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The evidence is clear cut and overwhelming that a sordid tale of nepotism and corruption has been woven between Hunter Biden and his father, Joe. 

Oh, what a tangled web we weave. 

Yet, the media is deaf, dumb, and blind to the story. Why?

MRC President Brent Bozell lays out the truth about the Biden scandal, the lengths to which the left-wing media complex is shielding the Bidens from scrutiny, and what you can do (Brent’s urgent call to action) to help get the truth to the American people — before it’s too late. 

We just need a couple of minutes of your time.  

MRC's Bozell: Corrupt Media Hiding Truth of Hunter Biden Bombshell ​​​​​
Thank you. Your support is greatly appreciated. 

— The MRC Action Team


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