Dear John, One hundred thirty four years ago today, over one million Americans gathered in New York City to welcome and dedicate the Statue of Liberty. A gift from France, the Statue

Chris CoonsJoin us.

Dear John,

One hundred thirty-four years ago today, over one million Americans gathered in New York City to welcome and dedicate the Statue of Liberty. A gift from France, the Statue of Liberty has always been viewed as a symbol of freedom and a welcoming beacon of hope.

The statue represents the best of America, and the words inscribed upon it remind us of our promise to the world:

"Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore..."

This poem reminds us of who we should be as a country, but in many ways, America has strayed from this promise under the Trump Administration.

Just this past month, we learned that the parents of 545 children, who the United States government caged at the border, cannot be found and thus the parents and children cannot be reunited. This is absolutely devastating. President Trump's immigration policy is inhumane, immoral, and directly contradicts the message on the Statue of Liberty and our fundamental American values.

We must do better. We must restore the soul of our nation and get closer to fulfilling our promise of liberty and justice for all.

One of the best ways we can usher in the change we so desperately need is by participating in our Democracy and exercising our sacred right to vote.

Democracy is not a spectator sport. We all must do our part to ensure our nation's democratic values are restored. Please, make a plan to vote today and ensure your voice is heard on or before November 3rd.

Thank you,


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