Under Trump, corporations are treating our democracy like a piggy bank by leveraging their power to keep workers in poverty. That's why Our Revolution members across America are fighting hard to support broadly popular ballot measures that are only controversial because of the corporate money fueling the other side. If you believe that all workers in Florida deserve a $15 an hour minimum wage, that families in Colorado deserve paid leave, and that teachers in Arizona deserve fair pay, rush a donation now to help us beat big corporate money and make concrete change for working people on Election Day!
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We know that change happens from the bottom up. Transformational ideas often gain traction in cities and states before Congress takes action. That's why we're taking on the corporate establishment to pass state-level ballot measures to raise wages and provide paid leave in critical states that will determine our next president. If we win this fight in Florida, it will be the second most populous state to raise the minimum wage, and power the voter turnout we need to stop Donald Trump from winning a second term. Big business is going all out to defeat us, spreading lies and propaganda to keep paying workers poverty wages during a pandemic. That's why Our Revolution groups in key states have made tens of thousands of phone calls to help make progressive policy reality while driving the turnout we need to beat Trump. Pitch in what you can here to help us fight like hell in the critical final days before voting ends! In solidarity, The whole team at Our Revolution 