Dear Supporter,
The election may be over, but the wasteful spending hasn't
I thought I'd give you an update on what's happened since 17
October and what you might have missed while party politics dominated
Councils hike rates beyond inflation despite a literal
data has confirmed that many local councils failed to take
necessary steps to avoid increasing costs for struggling

In March, we launched a campaign for local and regional
councils to freeze rates, and were pleased to see 14 of 78 step up to
the task. Most others slashed their proposed rate increases as a
result of our campaign.
So why the massive increase? Simple: Auckland's Phil
Auckland Council's size combined with its decision to opt for a
massive rates hike (despite the vast majority of Aucklanders who told
them not to!) made the nationwide average rates bill grow at nearly
twice the level of inflation.
The hike of rates (and increased spending) comes
at the same time as those in the private sector are forced to cut
The economic pain of COVID-19 will extend far into next year.
If councils fail to plan for rates relief in their 2021 annual plans,
they should expect a ratepayer revolt.
Another domino falls in Ihumātao omnishambles

Largely lost in the post-election coverage was another
group of protestors demanding privately-owned land.
A group in the Bay of Islands are occupying private property set to
be developed. Ratepayers or taxpayers can expect to fork out for the
land if the protestors get their way.
This is the inevitable result of the Government's deal-making at
Ihumātao. Unless the Government changes tack and refuses to make a
deal, opportunistic protesters will keep occupying land and taxpayers
will clean up the mess.
New Creative NZ grants include $45,000 for homeless community
"dialogue" theatre
Creative New Zealand has released yet
another round of taxpayer-funded grants and, unfortunately,
standards haven't gone up. We're shining a light on spending like

Do homeless people really need an avant-garde theatre
production? Presumably, unlike Creative New Zealand, they'd
recognise that taxpayer money could be put to much better use.
Revealed: Taxpayers foot bill for Landcorp staff's animal welfare

If you were ticketed for speeding while on the job, would you
expect to be reimbursed by your employer? Unlikely, but that's what's
happening with animal welfare fines at our taxpayer-owned farming
company, Landcorp.
While analysing the SOE's spending, one of our researchers
discovered that taxpayer money is regularly being used to reimburse
Landcorp farmers for animal welfare fines. Here are examples she
A $500 reimbursement for an animal welfare fine for transporting a
cow that birthed a calf en route to slaughter on a moving truck.
A $500 reimbursement for an animal welfare fine for transporting an
angus bull which was tender on its forelimbs and sore in all four
Two $500 reimbursements for animal welfare fines for transporting a
calf for slaughter which had contracted tendons in both forelimbs.
more about the offences here.
Fines are meant to be a stinging reminder not to break the
law. When the penalty is removed, so is the incentive to maintain the
gold standard in animal care that we should expect from our
state-owned farms.
Media receive an additional $75 million sweetener
Another story which was buried just prior to the election was
Labour's promise
to hand out $75 million for "public interest journalism".

That's the second handout for media this year — they already
received $50 million in a COVID-19 recovery package (and that was of
course on top of the wage subsidy).
In all, these payments are a $125 million reason to stay on the
Government's good side.
Quote of the week
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New Zealand's best union turns seven!
This week the Taxpayers' Union celebrates seven years of
campaigning for lower taxes, less waste and more
transparency. If
you're not already a member, now's a great time to come together and
join the only union holding the Government to account.

Thank you for your support. We couldn't have kept up the fight
without you.
Houlbrooke Campaigns Manager New Zealand Taxpayers'
