climate vote with
Environmental Voter Project
As we head into the home stretch for the 2020 election, CCL volunteers have pitched in with Environmental Voter Project to ensure that people who care about climate change are heard at the polls. Last week, we released a video featuring some of our volunteers who’ve stepped up in this effort. “I work with EVP because I know politicians are most responsive to voters that vote,” said Jeff Joslin (above), co-leader of the North Atlanta CCL chapter. As EVP points out, members of Congress know which of their constituents actually vote. It’s public record. Between Oct. 30 and election day, EVP will make a final get-out-the-vote push, and they’re looking for volunteers to sign up for phonebank shifts. Can you call potential climate voters in these final days?
Other news this week: December virtual conference: Once the election is over, we’ll focus on strategies to sway the incoming Congress toward climate action. CCL’s Dec. 5 virtual conference, United We Move, will highlight our outreach strategies and successes, with sessions about talking to conservatives, engaging youth, welcoming BIPOC (Black, indigenous and people of color) members, and more. More than 1,200 have signed up for the free conference. Register now. Border carbon adjustments: As part of the European Green Deal, the EU will impose a border carbon tax in 2023. CCL members from Europe, Canada and the U.S. met with Canadian MP Paul Lefebvre to discuss the value of the border carbon adjustment for Europe and the possibility of implementing one in Canada. You can show your appreciation to Lefebvre on Facebook or Twitter. |