DATE: October 28, 2020
CONTACT: Jason Savage ([email protected])

Team Trump Travels Maine

AUGUSTA-- Maine Republican Party Chair, Dr. Demi Kouzounas, issued the following statement regarding to Team Trump's bus tour in Maine:

"While Joe Biden has all but abandoned the people of Maine, President Trump continues to send his top people to meet the people of Maine," said Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. "Whether it is the First Family, his closest advisors, the Vice President, or the President himself, Mainers have shown up in in droves to have the opportunity to meet with the Trump campaign."

"This style of campaigning is in sharp contrast to the Biden campaign, where Joe Biden has not even stepped foot in Maine since he began his campaign. While President Trump sends his top people to Maine, Jill Biden and Kamala Harris' husband to do his bidding for him. Mainers deserve more than that."

"On behalf of the people of Maine, thank you Governor Noem, RNC Co-Chair Tommy Hicks, Corey Lewandowski, and Mick Mulvaney, for taking the time to travel the state and meet the great people of our state."
