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We'll Never Forget

On Wednesday, the calendar once again read September 11. Eighteen years ago, the world changed not just for the Americans who perished that day and their families, but for all people around the world. 

It's a day I remember vividly. And it's a day I'll never forget. 

And today while we continue to mourn those we lost 18 years ago, my faith that America is the greatest country on Earth is reaffirmed by the stories of heroism that we saw that day, and in the days, months and years that followed.

It's stories of first responders running toward danger, when they knew there was no chance of making it back. It's stories of everyday people like you and me stepping up and helping one another.

I'm so proud to be an American, in part because of this remarkable American spirit. I'll never forget September 11, 2001, and I imagine you never will either. 

-Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: Chairman Hupfer pauses for a photo with Miami County Chairman (and State Rep.) Ethan Manning and the newest member of the Indiana General Assembly, Senator-elect Stacey Donato. Senator-elect Donato was elected at a caucus of the district's precinct committeemen on Monday night after five ballots. 
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was 
Japan/Korea 2019:
Taking Indiana to the World & Bringing the World to Indiana!

This week, Governor Holcomb concluded the first round of this month's economic development trips to Asia, where he met with business and government leaders in Japan and South Korea. During Governor Holcomb’s time in Japan he met with leaders of two of Indiana’s largest Japanese companies, Subaru and Honda. Together, those companies (and more than 300 other Japan-based businesses) employ more than 67,000 of Hoosiers!
  • Governor Holcomb met with executives from Subaru Corporation. Subaru of Indiana Automotive (Lafayette) employs more than 6,000 Hoosiers and has invested over $2.2 billion in its Indiana operations.
  • Governor Holcomb met with leaders of Honda Motor Company, the parent company of Indiana-based Honda Manufacturing of Indiana (HMIN). HMIN has invested more than $1 billion in its operations in Greensburg and employs more than 2,500 Hoosiers.
  • Governor Holcomb met with Gunma Governor Ichita Yamamoto to discuss how Indiana can continue to continue to promote future investment opportunities. Gunma prefecture is home to the headquarters of Subaru Corporation.
  • Governor Holcomb and First Lady Janet Holcomb hosted a Friends of Indiana reception to thank business executives, government officials and industry stakeholders for their many contributions to the Indiana-Japan partnership.
To find out more about this trade mission or future trade missions, make sure to follow @GovHolcomb and @Indiana_EDC on Twitter (and keep reading The Party Line each week)!
Fall Dinner 2019: Celebrating Our Military 
This year's Team Holcomb Fall Dinner is one you won't want to miss! We're excited to welcome Congressmen and combat veterans Jim Baird, Brian Mast and Dan Crenshaw as the event's special guests on October 14 at the JW Marriott in downtown Indianapolis.

These three American heroes have made so many sacrifices in the name of freedom. Of course, we already know Indiana's own Congressman Jim Baird, and you may remember Congressman Crenshaw from when he was unnecessarily mocked on Saturday Night Live, but this trio made national headlines when Congressman Mast's tweet "5 eyes. 5 arms. 4 legs. All American." went viral. 

Help us celebrate our military by booking your tickets for the Team Holcomb Fall Dinner now!
Just Announced: 2020 Republican State Convention 
We're excited to announce that the 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention is set, and that we're returning to Indianapolis on June 20, 2020!

After going on the road to Evansville in 2018, we'll be returning to Indiana's capital city next year for our biennial convention. At next year's convention, delegates will be voting to nominate our party's candidate for lieutenant governor and attorney general. 

Interested in being a convention delegate next year? Make sure that you run to represent your county in the May 2020 primary! More details about the 2020 Indiana Republican Party State Convention will be released in the coming months, so make sure that you keep reading The Party Line!

National Federation of Republican Women Convention
Coming to Indiana!

Save the date! The National Federation of Republican Women will be hosting their convention in Indianapolis this year on September 26-29. You’re invited to join them for their opening party – hosted by our own Indiana Federation of Republican Women – the evening of September 27 at the JW Marriott in downtown Indianapolis.

Learn more about the convention here, learn about sponsorship opportunities here, and register to attend the national convention here!

Upcoming Republican Events

September 19: Hamilton County Fall Dinner
September 21: Parke County GOP Golf Scramble 
September 21: Brown County GOP BBQ
September 26: National Federation of Republican Women Convention
October 14: Team Holcomb Fall Dinner
October 23: Huntington County GOP "Under the Dome"
October 28: Orange County Fall Dinner 
December 6: Greater Indy Republican Women's Club Holiday Luncheon

**Have an upcoming Republican event not listed here? Let us know at [email protected]p! **

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb wraps up economic development trip to Asia
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch to join Team Indiana at World Food Championships
Senator Todd Young talks about meetings with Middle East leaders on Fox News
Senator Mike Braun urges Congress to use Indiana as example on guns
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski is working with American Cancer Society to fight cancer
Congressman Jim Banks spoke on House floor in support of USMCA
Congressman Jim Baird is helping tell veterans' stories
Congresswoman Susan Brooks speaks on World Suicide Prevention Day
Congressman Greg Pence tours Indiana's military installations
Congressman Larry Bucshon attended groundbreaking for Terre Haute convention center
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth celebrates National Read a Book Day

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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. · 101 W. Ohio St., Suite 2200 · Indianapolis, IN 46204 · USA