Late last week, we learned that Mitch McConnell's Super PAC raised $50 million just during the first two weeks of October.

This week, McConnell and Senate Republicans rigged the system to steal yet another Supreme Court seat.

The exchange is distressingly clear.

Every one of those 50 million dollars tells McConnell that, no matter how unpopular his agenda and no matter how low he stoops, his club of right-wing extremists and greedy corporate interests will bankroll him with unlimited dark money.

But if we take the Senate back on Tuesday, Mitch McConnell won't call the shots anymore.

That's why I'm asking you to contribute to these three hard-fighting Democrats in crucial Senate races: Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, Barbara Bollier in Kansas, and John Hickenlooper in Colorado.

Retaking the Senate from Republicans means no more tax cuts for billionaires and corporations while working families get left further and further behind.

It means no more packing our courts with radical right-wing judges who will turn back the clock on health care.

It means no more arbitrary rules that only apply when it's convenient for Senate Republicans.

It means no more "Grim Reaper of the Senate."

No more oil industry puppets charged with protecting the environment.

No more stonewalling gun safety measures.

No more expansion of federal voter suppression efforts.

It means that the Senate can once again work for the American people, not whoever is willing to cut a big check to Mitch McConnell's Super PAC.

And all we've got to do is flip these three Senate seats from red to blue. Chip in now to support Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, Barbara Bollier in Kansas, and John Hickenlooper in Colorado.

You can also find more incredible, progressive candidates ready and willing to fight for working families at

Together, we can build the committed, progressive Senate our country deserves.


Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution to Ron Wyden, Barbara Bollier, John Hickenlooper, and Theresa Greenfield instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50