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Hi ,
Join us in celebrating a victory today! Our plaintiff Migrant Justice just marched to the Burlington federal courthouse to announce we sued and won a settlement. Together, we stopped Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s unlawful surveillance, harassment, and arrest of immigrant community leaders over their First Amendment protected speech. 
We are proud to be in the fight for immigrant workers rights alongside Migrant Justice, which was founded by immigrant farmworkers in Vermont and leads groundbreaking human rights organizing.
Regardless of status, immigrants are protected by the First Amendment and have the right to freedom of speech and assembly. ICE has agreed to instruct its agents not to target people for exercising those rights and will pay damages of $100,000, to be divided among the plaintiffs. This payout is a recognition of the harm that its abusive actions have caused.
ICE thought that they could silence immigrant workers, but the community is stronger than ever. Our win with Migrant Justice shows that immigrant communities can stand up to ICE´s abuses and come out on top. 
In solidarity,

Dennis D. Parker
NCLEJ Executive Director
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