
If we’re going to win big and take back the White House and the Senate, Minnesota is a must-win for Democrats.

The stakes are too high to leave anything to chance. With six days to go, we need to make sure the Minnesota DFL has the resources they need to hold the line down the home stretch. Will you join me and make a quick donation by midnight to help them hit their GOTV budget goal?

The race is tightening and Republicans are paying attention.

Immediately after a poll was released last week showing Jason Lewis within 1 point of Tina Smith, Donald Trump’s campaign made another big TV ad buy and announced a campaign stop from Mike Pence.

Donald Trump and his Republican allies are 100% convinced they can flip Minnesota red and we have seven days to prove them wrong.

If you’re able, please make a contribution of $10, $25, $50 (or whatever you can) to the Minnesota DFL by MIDNIGHT so they can turn out voters for Joe Biden, Tina Smith and Democrats up and down the ballot.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We can’t afford four more years of Donald Trump. I’m grateful for everything you’re doing to help Democrats finish this campaign strong.

Thank you,

Amy Klobuchar

DFL Victory Club

Join the DFL Victory Club and start a monthly recurring contribution today.

Your monthly recurring donation will help us defend our Minnesota House DFL Majority, take back the Minnesota Senate, re-elect Senator Tina Smith, flip Republican Congressional seats from red to blue, stop Trumpism at the door, and keep Minnesota blue in November. DFL Victory Club Members will also receive special updates and offers from our party headquarters.