Dear John -

Yes, it is Halloween this Saturday, but more importantly -- we are less than one week away from Election Day! Ensure that spooky season isn't too scary by making sure you are registered and have a plan to vote in this election. D.C. has sent out mail-in ballots to all registered voters, and Early Voting has already begun. If you still need to register, you can do so in person at a Vote Center, even on Election Day! If you need any more information on your voting options, locations, or have any other questions, you can check the D.C. Board of Elections website at

CCL has many seasonal events this week and beyond, so be sure to check out the following events: 

Wednesday, October 28, 6:30-8:00pm


EVP Phone Banking Action Hour


6 days left before the election ends! Every day counts.

The Good News: With the help of many CCL volunteers across the country, the Environmental Voter Project has already gotten 300,000 first-time environmental voters to vote early in 11 important states! Thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered with the Environmental Voter Project so far. 

The Not So Good News: We still have almost 1.6 million non-voting environmentalists to reach and mobilize before Election Day.

Join us as we reach out to environmental voters. There are several opportunities coming up. Today is our last CCL East Coast Action Hour with EVP, training will be provided.

What: EVP Phone Banking Action Hour
When: Wednesday, October 28, 7:00-8:00pm EDT
More details & RSVP:


Then, tomorrow the DC chapter of Citizens' Climate Lobby is doing our own outreach. We are going to reach out to the CCLrs in our chapter roster and make sure they've got a voting plan. We've got a thousand members who have taken an action with us, and we need your help contacting them. Let Kevin or Debbie know if you'd like a list of names, and/or you can join us at our Communication Tree party on Thursday.

What: CCL-DC GOTV Communication Tree
When: Thursday, October 29, 5:30-7:30pm EDT
More details and RSVP


Beginning Friday October 3 through November 3, the Environmental Voter Project is doing their final Get Out the (Environmental) Vote push. The Zoom room will be open all day, and training offered regularly. Signing up for shifts allows the organizers to plan the number of contacts they can prepare for volunteers. RSVP today!

When: Oct 30-Nov 3 all day
Register here:

Let's wake up the day after the election with a clear conscience, knowing we did everything we could to get out the Climate Vote!

Friday, October 30, 8:00-9:30pm


Virtual Halloween Costume Party 

with Citizens' Climate Lobby DC

Join our sustainability themed virtual Halloween costume party on Friday, October 30 from 8-9:30PM. The CCLer with the best upcycled or sustainability themed costume will win $25 for FreshFarm Markets. To embrace the spirit of the season, costumes will be judged democratically by attendees. We also encourage everyone to develop their own Halloween themed cocktail or mocktail and join us for a night of libations and good vibrations!  

What: Virtual Halloween Costume Party with CCL DC
When: Friday, October 30, 8:00-9:30pm EDT 
More details & RSVP:

Friday, November 6, 6:00-8:00pm EDT


Post-Election Reflection


After the election is over, come and discuss results with your CCL friends. We don't anticipate having an agenda, just a place for people to come and have an open discussion, and perhaps plan our next steps as a chapter.

What: Post-election reflection
When: Friday, November 6, 6:00-8:00pm EDT
Where: Zoom (RSVP for the link)

Upcoming Events:
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