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Breakfast with Boris
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President Trump has the momentum and energy behind him as we rapidly approach Election Day. The president is either leading or statistically tied in virtually all battleground state polls. Recent polls from Rasmussen and Susquehanna both show President Trump four points ahead of Joe Biden in Florida. Trafalgar has the president up three points in North Carolina, and a Fox News poll – which historically favors Democrats – shows the president up three points in Ohio. The president clearly has enthusiasm on his side as sad, corrupt Joe Biden limps toward next Tuesday. 
Just like in 2016, President Trump is surging at the exact right time as we get closer to Election Day. In large part, that is because of President Trump’s unbelievable work ethic. The president is now holding three rallies a day, traveling across the country to bring his message straight to the American people. Meanwhile, former Vice President Biden is doing everything he can to avoid the campaign trail. When Biden does make a campaign stop, he struggles to coherently speak to the few people who bother to show up to his sad events. A few days ago in Pennsylvania, Biden provided Americans with yet another huge gaffe when he called people who don’t vote for him “chumps.” President Trump is the only candidate willing to connect with voters and work for their support. President Trump’s effort will show when Americans cast their ballots next week, and the president is re-elected for a second term. 
Justice Amy Coney Barrett: On Monday, the Senate voted 52-48 to confirm now-Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court. Justice Barrett is President Trump’s third successful nomination to the Supreme Court – a deeply historic achievement by our president. President Trump is the first president to have three justices confirmed to the Supreme Court since Ronald Reagan and the first to nominate and have confirmed three SCOTUS justices in just his first term since Richard Nixon. President Trump has more than fulfilled his promise of naming great constitutionalists in the mold of Justice Antonin Scalia to the federal courts as a whole and Supreme Court specifically. Congratulations, Justice Amy Coney Barrett!  
One of President Trump’s great lasting legacies will be remaking the federal judiciary in a constitutionalist mold, and that is especially true at the Supreme Court level. With a second term, President Trump will continue to appoint and get confirmed more deeply qualified, constitutionalist jurists. On the flip side, radical Democrats – such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) – have openly come out in support of packing and expanding the Supreme Court. Joe Biden has refused to condemn packing the Supreme Court, saying he would appoint a commission to study the effort – typical politician talk. That’s why it is so imperative for us to re-elect President Trump next week. We simply cannot allow Democrats to soil the integrity of our federal judiciary, and we need more constitutionalist judges appointed by President Trump.  
President Trump Destroys Joe Biden at Last Debate: At the last debate between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, the president absolutely destroyed his Democrat challenger, picked apart his arguments, and exposed Joe Biden for the fraud that he is. President Trump called Biden out for plagiarizing his own COVID-19 response and reiterated how successful Operation Warp Speed has been in working toward a coronavirus vaccine. The president nailed Biden for using his former position as vice president to garner lucrative deals with foreign adversaries like China for his family. Vitally, President Trump managed to get Biden to admit that he would “transition” away from the oil industry – a move that would kill more than 10 million American jobs supported by the energy industry. 
President Trump did nothing short of annihilating former Vice President Biden at last week’s debate. He exposed Biden for the fraud that he is. Biden has proven time and time again that he will destroy our economy at every opportunity he gets. Under a Biden administration, millions of our jobs will be sold out to our foreign competitors like China and Mexico in a pathetic attempt to virtue signal to the far-left radicals that have completely taken over the Democrat Party’s base. Before China unleashed COVID-19 onto the world, the United States added more than 7 million jobs in the first three years of the Trump administration. Over the last five months, at least 11.4 million jobs have been added back. Joe Biden would never be able to match President Trump’s record of success, and the American people know it. 
Sudan Joins Abraham Accords: In a historic move for both the United States and Israel, President Trump has secured a third peace deal in the Middle East in less than three months. Last week, Sudan and Israel agreed to normalize their relations and will begin cooperating on agriculture, economy, trade, migration, and several other key fronts. The Trump administration had previously secured peace agreements for Israel with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Kingdom of Bahrain. Sudan will be joining Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain in the Abraham Accords. With a second term, President Trump will have the opportunity to negotiate even more peace agreements between Arab countries and Israel – our greatest ally in the Middle East and around the world.
 Thanks to the amazing work and leadership of President Trump, Senior Advisor Jared Kushner, Special Representative for International Negotiations Avi Berkowitz, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, and their team, peace in the Middle East is rapidly approaching. It was historic when President Trump and the Trump administration secured peace among Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, and now they have done it once again with Sudan. President Trump is ensuring safety and prosperity for the Israeli people, along with other nations in the Middle East, for years to come. President Trump stands with Israel and fights anti-Semitism, while Joe Biden stands with Iran and condones anti-Semites.  
President Trump Built the Greatest Economy, Twice: Despite lies from Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media, President Trump has built the greatest economy our nation has ever had – not once, but twice. Before China unleashed COVID-19 onto the world, President Trump enabled the U.S. economy to add more than 7 million jobs during the first three years of his administration. And as our nation has recovered from the coronavirus pandemic over the last five months, 11.4 million jobs have been added back to the economy in the quickest economic recovery in this nation’s history. The third quarter GDP report is scheduled to be released tomorrow and will likely show historic economic growth, unlike anything we have ever seen before. There is a real possibility that America could show a 30 percent growth or more for the third quarter when the report is made public.    
We are witnessing an astounding V-shaped economic recovery because of President Trump’s pro-growth and pro-American policies since he took office. President Trump has cut taxes for Americans, negotiated fair trade deals such as the USMCA that bring jobs back to the United States, cut burdensome regulations that have allowed our businesses to thrive again, and so much more. As we have said before, President Trump is without a doubt the jobs president, and the facts more than back up that claim. If you need another reason to vote for President Trump, look no further than what he has accomplished for America and our economy. Let’s send President Donald J. Trump back to the White House for a second term so he can finish the job of Making America Great!  
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