
We are privileged to live in a country where we have the right to vote. 

Today, I am writing to ensure you exercise this right, and to ask for your help in reaching others to do the same. 

Donate to Reach Conservative Voters
The polls right now are tight, and we need every single patriotic American to turn up on November 3 and vote for Conservative leaders.

President Trump needs my help to turn out voters in our district and I need your help to make that happen

Every dollar donated between now and the election will be used as a last push to turn out as many Conservative voters as possible to ensure we win and stay in power.

For every $10 you donate we’ll be able to reach an extra 1250 donors. Yard signs, digital campaigns, TV advertising and mailers all cost money, but translate to votes. Votes YOU, John, can help us win. 
Donate $10 = 125 Voters
Donate $25 = 3125 Voters
Donate $50 = 6250 Voters
Donate $75 = 9375 Voters
This election is a team effort and we must join together to protect our values from a radical socialist agenda. Here’s a practical way you can help. Please donate right now so we can get to work right away! 

Alex X. Mooney  
Member of Congress (WV - 2) 

P.S. Every single vote is important for this election so I’m asking you to please give as much as you can today, to help us reach as many voters as possible.

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