Data source: National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
Missed the online registration deadline in your state? Same-day registration is available in-person in the states highlighted above: TURQUOISE – Same-Day Registration during Early Voting Dates ONLY PURPLE – Same-Day Registration on Election Day (November 3) ONLY BLUE – Same-Day Registration during Early Voting AND on Election Day ALASKA – Allows Same-Day registration but ONLY for President and Vice President.
PLEASE NOTE: Same-day registration must typically be done IN PERSON and only at limited locations. An elections official may request a state-issued photo ID and proofs of residency for each new registration. Contact your local / county elections office for specific requirements for same-day voter registration.
VOTING BY MAIL? Vote By Mail / Absentee Ballot policies vary by state. What works for your Abuela in Texas or your Tío in Iowa might not apply for voting by mail in Colorado.
Contact your local / county elections office for specific requirements on postmarks, deadlines, and options for safely dropping off ballots at polling locations in person.
Be sure to place your ballot inside the security envelope and seal the outside envelope with your signature. Failing to follow any of the steps above may result in an invalid ballot!
★★ #LULACvota ★★

LULAC in collaboration with Lyft present Ride to Vote
No matter how you choose to cast your vote, access to transportation should not be a barrier. This year LULAC has partnered with ridesharing service Lyft to get our Council and community members out to the polls during Early Voting and on Election Day. Ridesharing company Lyft has provided LULAC an exclusive promo code that can be redeemed for a credit valid from 10/3/2020 - 11/3/2020.
Request your Lyft credit while spots last here: www.lulac.org/lyft
A confirmation email with the promo code will be emailed to you. Limit one Lyft credit per user.
Volunteer for our Bilingual Voter Protection Hotline
In partnership with the NALEO Educational Fund, LULAC will be organizing nationwide voter assistance hotlines. Volunteers need to be English-Spanish bilingual and have access to their own laptop, phone, and wifi connection. Stipend may be available to volunteers who can work a full 8-hour shift per day. Voter Assistance Hotlines will operate from 7am - 7pm on Monday, November 2nd and from 7am - 8 pm on Election Day (November 3rd) LOCAL TIME. No prior experience required, volunteers will be provided training.
Volunteer to join one of our three hubs (Texas, California, or Washington DC) remotely here: www.lulac.org/ourvote
Plan Your Vote with this trusted tool!
NBC News has a useful guide featuring dates and information you need to keep in mind mail-in and early in-person voting. Find your state and make a plan to vote!
Make your voice heard!

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About LULAC The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit www.LULAC.org. |