Hi there,

The last-minute infusion of corporate donations is turning voters against us. And we need your support in these last few days to challenge their message, which has led to racist attacks against our campaign.

Can you make a $50 contribution before 10 pm PT today?

This election will be a test of what our community stands for. Do we want elections with integrity, or corporate politics as usual? Do we want a governance model fueled by social media smears, or do we want a positive vision focused on the issues facing Berkeley? And do we want to continue down the path to climate disaster, or do we want to make Berkeley the first carbon neutral city in the nation? 

If you believe in our vision, now is the last time we’ll need your financial support before Election Day. If you or anyone you know can contribute, consider giving $50 tonight. Thanks so much for your support.




Paid for by Wayne Hsiung for Mayor 2020
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P.O. Box 2248, Berkeley, CA, 94710