
A lot of us are concerned right now. A lot of people are hurting in some way, whether as a result of this pandemic or in light of Republicans’ vote to confirm the President’s nominee to the Supreme Court — putting basic human rights like health care, reproductive choice, the right to vote, marriage equality, and so much more on the line.

These past four years have felt particularly dark, and it’s been nothing short of challenging. I know — it weighs on my mind every single day.

But in spite of the discouraging and disturbing steps President Trump and Mitch McConnell have taken to move us backward, we have just seven days until Election Day — an opportunity for redemption — and I see the light.

This is not a time to give up, but to keep pressing forward.

This is our time to rise to the occasion. To meet darkness with light, to be tough while being kind, to be strong while being graceful, to redeem the soul of our nation.

Already, millions of New Jerseyans and more than 60 million Americans have voted, breaking the previous national record for early voter turnout. There is a palpable energy you can feel across the country.

I know I’m leaning on that energy, on those out there spending hours after work phone banking, on young people getting out and knocking on doors, on those working the polls, on folks like you pitching in that spare $10 to help us make sure every eligible voter makes their voice heard. Your energy keeps me going.

So, with only seven days left until our opportunity to make history and change the course of this nation, let’s do everything in our power to fight for our rights, our families, our communities, and our democracy.

If you can, and only if you can, please chip in any amount today to help our campaign continue to Get Out the Vote so we can flip the Senate, remove Trump from office, and redeem our country one week from today.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you, for all you’ve done and continue to do. Seven. More. Days.

With love and grace,
