John—We wanted to make sure you saw Tedra’s email this afternoon about why we still need your help with one week until polls close.
Tedra is the champion Northern New Yorkers deserve, but she can’t do it alone. Defeating Elise Stefanik is going to take all of us. Please, pitch in what you can now to help us finish the final week strong.
------- Forwarded message ------
From: Tedra Cobb <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Oct 27, 2020
Subject: long, but important (please read)
This email will be a lengthy one; I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this message.
On April 15, 2019, I announced my candidacy for Congress. My mission was clear: bring quality, affordable healthcare to every person in the North Country, to protect Medicare and Social Security from renewed attacks, and to ensure clean air and clean water for our kids and grandkids. I was overwhelmed with the amount of support behind this campaign. Northern New York was desperate for change, desperate for a fighter, and I was honored that you put your faith in me.
We knew this was going to be an uphill battle, and we were right. Elise Stefanik, Donald Trump, and the right-wing outrage machine have poured nearly $11 million in outside dark money into NY-21. They know the people are on our side. That makes them terrified, and it should.
Our fight isn't about political parties, and it isn't about left versus right. It's about right versus wrong, and it's about who we want to be after November 3.
We are down to the wire here, and it's time to put it all on the line. I know I've asked you for a lot. I know you are as sick of these emails as I am. But this is too important to pull punches now. So today, I am asking you again, can you dig deep and pitch in $50, $100, or even $250 today to help fund our final Get Out The Vote push?
In the next seven days, we will be communicating to every swing voter across Northern New York to make sure they know exactly what's on the line in this race. Here is what we are going to be telling them:
I will fight for quality and affordable healthcare for every American. I believe the best way to get to that goal is through a Medicare public option. Let's allow people the choice to buy into Medicare, a program we know, and we love.
I will protect Social Security and Medicare for future generations. I will never vote to cut a dime from Medicare or Social Security. I will not vote to raise the retirement age, and I will always ensure North Country seniors can retire with dignity.
Our brave men and women serving at Fort Drum and their families deserve a representative who will fight for them and choose our soldiers over our enemies.
These are all critical issues, and there are many, many more, but I want you to know if you elect me, I will fight for you.
Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. I'm here today; I'll be here tomorrow, and for the last 30 years, I've been here fighting with you.
Pitch in now and help us get our positive message to every swing voter.
In power.
Your Democratic Congressional candidate,
Tedra Cobb