Fellow Conservative,
Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Democrats all across the country are already measuring the drapes.
They are convinced they are going to have a CLEAN SWEEP on election night. They are planning to win the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Take it from me: Total Democrat control will be a disaster for our conservative values.
All of the conservative victories from the last few years will be reversed if we lose. We have just days remaining before Election Day and I am hoping you will help fight back.
Fellow Conservative, I won’t quit fighting for our country. Your support over the last few months has been nothing short of INCREDIBLE.
I hope you won’t quit fighting either and I am counting on you to keep standing with me to fight back.
While Pelosi and Schumer are measuring the drapes in Washington, let’s send them a message that the American people support our conservative values.
Tim Scott
Freedom Corps, LLC
16192 Coastal Hwy
Lewes, DE 19958